Since we do not know exactly where the electron is, we have to allow for the possibility that
the electron can be coupled to one of the two protons. This form includes the ’cusp’-condition
discussed in the previous section. We define thence two hydrogen wave functions
Based on these two wave functions, which represent where the electron can be, we attempt at the
following linear combination
a constant.
12.3.2 Physics project: the H
in preparation
12.4 Many-body systems
12.4.1 Liquid
He is an example of a so-called extended system, with an infinite number of particles.
The density of the system varies from dilute to extremely dense. It is fairly obvious that we
cannot attempt a simulation with such degrees of freedom. There are however ways to circum-
vent this problem. The usual way of dealing with such systems, using concepts from statistical
Physics, consists in representing the system in a simulation cell with e.g., periodic boundary
conditions, as we did for the Ising model. If the cell has length
, the density of the system is
determined by putting a given number of particles
in a simulation cell with volume . The
density becomes then .
In general, when dealing with such systems of many interacting particles, the interaction it-
self is not known analytically. Rather, we will have to rely on parametrizations based on e.g.,
scattering experiments in order to determine a parametrization of the potential energy. The in-
teraction between atoms and/or molecules can be either repulsive or attractive, depending on the
between two atoms or molecules. One can approximate this interaction as
are some integers and constans with dimension energy and length, and with
units in e.g., eVnm. The constants and the integers are determined by the constraints