5 Topology Information Control in Feedback Based Reconfiguration Processes 123
processing level, an auxiliary weighted power Lagrangian problem is solved using
dynamic programming associated to the topology control. The iterative paramet-
ric dynamic programming for a class of nonseparable optimization problems ap-
proach extends the reach of dynamic programming and provides an efficient solution
scheme through separation, convexification, decomposition, and coordination. The
insights offered by such modeling are useful in deriving resource management pro-
tocols allowing the path selection and QoS parameters monitoring to be taken into
account by the system reconfiguration mechanism. Distributed topology informa-
tion control among the cooperative network elements regarded as agents broadcast-
ing periodical signals to enable the network connectivity information propagation.
Future work will continue to characterize wireless communication networks and
the information control techniques for guaranteeing the mission performance and
safety of the networked UAVs. In this consideration, communications will be key
and will require further advances based on the results described in this paper. Mul-
tivariable extremum seeking control can be applied to the problem of UAV motion
control in a communication environment, and such approach should lead to im-
provements in the communication ability over position-based policies.
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