16.11 Coherency between two phases 369
The coherent α + β two-phase field coincides with the ordinary α + β field if W = 0
because there are no stresses although the phases are coherent with each other. They fit
together perfectly. As W/K is increased, the coherent α + β two-phase field will shrink
and the two phase boundaries will finally meet in a point. A coherent α + β mixture
cannot be stable above that point. The dashed line starting from that point is the well-
known equal Gibbs energy curve (T
)where, in principle, α and β could transform into
each other without diffusion. Usually, such a transformation is difficult to study because
the system could easily start to transform by diffusion. It may now be concluded that
diffusional formation of coherent particles can be prevented if the coherency effect is
strong enough. The point where the T
line meets the two coherent phase boundaries is
called Williams point after the person who first predicted such points [33]. The Williams
point may be an important feature of coherent phase diagrams. The physical factor
behind the Williams point is easy to understand. If the coherency effect is increased by
magnifying the G
curve in Fig. 16.9 until it finally intersects the point where the two
Gibbs energy curves cross. A coherent α + β mixture can be stable only when part of
the G
curve falls below both Gibbs energy curves.
It should be emphasized that the lever rule cannot be applied to the two boundaries of a
coherent α + β phase field because they do not represent the compositions of coexisting
phases. It is evident from Fig. 16.9 that the coexisting phases must be represented by
the two end-points of the parabolic G
curve because the elastic energy is evaluated
from them. Due to the parallel tangent construction x
must fall inside the ordinary β
phase field if x
falls inside the ordinary α + β phase field. The compositions of minute
amounts of coherent α or β are represented by lines extending into the respective one-
phase field in Fig. 16.10. The lever rule can be applied to the tie-lines between the two
kinds of coherent boundaries. This is better demonstrated in Fig. 16.11 showing what
should happen if one could gradually increase the average alloy content of the system.
Starting from the lower left corner the system is in the α one-phase field and x
= x
= 0.4 the ordinary solubility limit is reached and β should start to form if there were
no coherency effect. See the horizontal line at x
= 0.4which is marked with 0. If there
is an effect of the strength 100 W /K = 1.2 then coherent precipitation of β could not
start until x
= 0.43. A minute amount of β with composition x
= 0.63 could form.
As the average alloy content is rising further, the amount of β will grow and the alloy
content of both phases will decrease gradually. The composition of the α phase will cross
the ordinary phase boundary, x
= 0.4, when the β phase takes over the role of majority
phase above x
= 0.5 and most of the elastic energy will then be stored in the α phase.
If the coherency effect has the strength 100W/K = 4, the α one-phase state will
remain until the Williams point is reached at x
= 0.5. On passing that point α will be
fully transformed into β by a sharp transformation. However, it will occur gradually in
time because the first portion of β is stable only with the composition x
= 0.7 and
the transformation will thus be rate controlled by diffusion. The alloy content of β can
decrease only as the α matrix decreases its alloy content.
The result will be different for an asymmetric system, K
= K
.Figure 16.12 is part
of a diagram like Fig. 16.11 but calculated for K
= 2K
. The result is shown only for
100 W = 3K
.Asthe average composition x
is increased, minute amounts of β could
start forming at x
= 0.465. Due to precipitation of the solute-rich β phase, the solute