erning differential equations. The individual cells formed by the mesh or grid
serve as the spatial framework for constructing these algebraic finite difference
equations. The time variable is similarly discretized into a sequence of small time
intervals called time steps: the solution at time t,,, is calculated from the known
solution at time t,. The spatial differencing is made conservative wherever
sible. The procedure used is to difference the basic equations in integral form,
with the volume of a typical cell used as the control volume and the divergence
terms transformed into surface integrals using the divergence theorem.67
The discretized equations for any dependent variable
are of the general
where the A's are coefficients expressing the combined influences of convection
and diffusion,
is the source integral over the cell volume
the subscript
denotes a typical node point in the mesh, the summation is over its (six)
nearest neighbors, and the superscripts i
1 and
new" and "old"
values, at times t
6t and t, respectively, where 6t is the size of the time step.69
Until recently all methods involved similar spatial approximations to calcu-
late convective and diffusive transport, using a blend of first-order upwind differ-
encing for the former and second-order central differencing for the latter.
Unfortunately, all discretization practices introduce inaccuracies of some kind,
and the standard first-order upwind scheme produces spatial diffusion errors
which act in the same way as real diffusion to "smooth" the solutions. The
magnitude of the numerical diffusion reduces as the mesh density is increased,
but even with as many
50 mesh points in each coordinate direction, the effect
is not eliminated.
recent development has been the introduction of "higher
order" spatial approximations which, in the past, had a tendency to produce
spurious extrema. This problem has been overcome by the use of
flux blending"
techniques. First-order upwind and higher-order approximations are blended in
appropriate proportions to eliminate the overshoots of the latter. Even with these
schemes, however, true mesh-independent solutions could not be achieved with
densities of up to
50 nodes in each coordinate direction; so there is still a need for
further impr~vernent.~~
Numerical calculations of compressible flows are
inefficient at low Mach numbers because of the wide disparity between the time
scales associated with convection and with the propagation of sound waves.
While all methods use first-order temporal discretization and are therefore of
comparable accuracy, they differ in whether forward or backward differencing is
employed in the transport equations leading to implicit or explicit discrete equa-
tions, respectively. In explicit schemes, this inefficiency occurs because the time
steps needed to satisfy the sound-speed stability condition are much smaller than
those needed to satisfy the convective stability condition alone. In implicit
schemes, the inefficiency manifests itself in the additional computational labor
needed to solve the implicit (simultaneous) system of equations at each time step.
This solution is usually performed by iterative techniques.
The computing time requirements of these two approaches scale with the
number of equations n and the number of mesh points m, as follows. For explicit
methods, computing time scales as nm, but the time step is limited by the stability
condition as summarized above. For implicit methods, computing time scales as
n3m and At is only limited by accuracy considerations.
One procedure used, a
semi-implicit method, is the acoustic subcycling
method. All terms in the governing equations that are not associated with sound
waves are explicitly advanced with a larger time step At similar to that used with
implicit methods. The terms associated with acoustic waves (the compression
terms in the continuity and energy equations and the pressure gradient in the
momentum equation) are explicitly advanced using a smaller time step
St that
satisfies the sound-speed stability criterion
pq. (14.23)], and of which the
time step is an integral multiple. While this method works well in many IC
engine applications where the Mach number is not unduly low, it is unsuitable
for very low Mach number flows since the number of subcycles
(At/&) tends to
the Mach number tends to zero. For values of At/& greater than 50 an
implicit scheme becomes more efficient. Pressure gradient scaling can be used to
extend the method to lower Mach numbers. The Mach number is artificially
increased to a larger value (but still small in an absolute sense) by multiplying the
pressure gradient in the momentum equation by a time-dependent scaling factor
l/a(t)2, where a(t)
1. This reduces the effective sound speed by the factor a. This
does not significantly affect the accuracy of the solution because the pressure
gradient in low Mach number flows is effectively determined by the flow field and
not vice versa. Coupling pressure gradient scaling with acoustic subcycling
reduces the number of subcycles by
The implicit equations that result from forward differencing consist of
simultaneous sets for all variables and thus require more elaborate methods of
solution. However, they contain no intrinsic stability constraints. Fully iterative
solution algorithms for solution of these equation sets are being replaced with
efficient simultaneous linear equation solvers.65
Flow Field Predictions
To illustrate the potential for multidimensional modeling of IC engine flows,
examples of the output from such calculations will now be reviewed.
amount of information on many fluid flow and state variables is generated with
each calculation, and the processing, organization, and presentation of this infor-
mation are tasks of comparable scope to its generation! Flow field results are
usually presented in terms of the gas velocity vectors at each grid point of the
mesh in appropriately selected planes. Arrows are usually used to indicate the
direction and magnitude (by length) of each vector. Examples of such plots--of
the flow pattern in the cylinder during the intake process-are shown in Fig.
30.70 The flow field is shown
ATC during the intake stroke. A helical intake