diesel.29 The physical variables were scaled to maintain the same values of the
appropriate dimensionless numbers for the liquid analog flow and the real engine
flow. The density of the liquid representing air (which is dark) was twice the
density of the liquid representing burned gas (which is clear). Early in the scav-
enging process, the fresh air jets penetrate into the burned gas and displace it first
toward the cylinder head and then toward the exhaust ports (the schematic gives
the location of the ports). During this initial phase, the outflowing gas contains
no air; pure displacement of the burned gas from the cylinder is being achieved.
Then short-circuiting losses start to occur, due to the damming-up or buildup of
fresh air on the cylinder wall opposite the exhaust ports. The short-circuiting
fluid flows directly between the scavenge ports and the exhaust ports above them.
Since this damming-up of the inflowing fresh air back toward the exhaust ports
continues, short-circuiting losses will also continue. While the scavenging front
remains distinct as it traverses the cylinder, its turbulent character indicates that
mixing between burned gas and air across the front is taking place. For both
these reasons (short-circuiting and short-range mixing), the outflowing gas, once
the "displacement" phase is over, contains an increasing amount of fresh air.
Outflowing fluid composition measurements from this model study of a
Sulzer two-stroke loop-scavenged diesel engine confirm this sequence of events.
At 24 crank angle degrees after the onset of scavenging, fresh air due to short-
circuiting was detected in the exhaust. At the time the displacement front reached
the exhaust port (65" after the onset of scavenging), loss of fresh air due to scav-
enging amounted to
percent of the scavenge air flow. The actual plot of degree
of purity (or
versus delivery ratio (A) closely followed the perfect displace-
ment line for
0.4. For A
0.4, the shape of the actual curve was similar in
shape to the complete mixing curve.
Engine tests confirm these results from model studies. Initially, the
exhausted gas contains no fresh air ar mixture; only burned gas is being dis-
placed from the cylinder. However, within the cylinder both displacement
mixing at the interface between burned gas and fresh gas are occurring. The
departure from perfect scavenging behavior is evident when fresh mixture first
appears in the exhaust. For loop-scavenged engines this is typically when
0.4. For uniflow scavenging this perfect scavenging phase lasts somewhat
longer; for cross-scavenging it is over sooner (because the short-circuiting path
The mixing that occurs is short-range mixing, not mixing throughout the
cylinder volume. The jets of scavenging mixture, on entering the cylinder, mix
readily with gases in the immediate neighborhood of the jet efflux. More efficient
scavenging-i.e., less mixing-is obtained by reducing the size of the inlet
while increasing their numbex." It is important that the jets from the inlet
slow down significantly once they enter the cylinder. Otherwise the scavenging
front will reach the exhaust ports or valves too early. The jets are frequently
directed to impinge on each other or against the cylinder wall. Swirl in uniflow-
scavenged systems may be used to obtain an equivalent result.
The most desirable loop-scavenging
flow is illustrated in Fig. 6-29. The
Desirable air flow in loop-scavenged engine: air from the entering jets impinges on far cylinder wall
flows toward the cylinder head."
:cavenging jets enter symmetrically with sufficient velocity to fill up about half
the cylinder cross section, and thereafter flow at lower velocity along the cylinder
wall toward the cylinder head. By proper direction of the scavenging jets it is
possible to achieve almost no outflow in the direction of the exhaust from the
cross-hatched stagnation zone on the opposite cylinder wall. In fact, measure-
of the velocity profile in this region is a good indicator of the effectiveness
of the scavenging flow. If the flow along the cylinder wall toward the head is
stable, i.e., if its maximum velocity occurs near the wall and the velocity is near
zero on the plane perpendicular to the axis of symmetry of the ports (which
passes through the cylinder axis), the scavenging flow will follow the desired path.
there are "tongues" of scavenging flow toward the exhaust port, either in the
center of the cylinder or along the walls, then significant short-circuiting will
In uniflow-scavenged configurations, the inlet ports are evenly spaced
around the full circumference of the cylinder and are usually directed so that the
xavenging jets create a swirling flow within the cylinder (see Fig. 6-24). Results of
measurements of scavenging front location in rig flow tests of a valved uniflow
two-stroke diesel cylinder, as the inlet port angle was varied to give a wide range
of swirl, showed that inlet jets directed tangentially to a circle of half the cylinder
radius gave the most stable scavenging front profile over a wide range of condi-
Though the scavenging processes in spark-ignition and diesel two-stroke
engines are similar, these two types of engine operate with quite different delivery
ratios. In mixture-scavenged spark-ignition engines, any significant expulsion of
fresh fluid with the burned gas results in a significant loss of fuel and causes high
hydrocarbon emissions as well as 10s of the energy expended in pumping the