on the order of 1–2 mg/ml so that a large excess of biotinylation agent can be added. For
molecules that are sparingly soluble in aqueous solution, they may be dissolved fi rst in
ethanol and then added to the reaction buffer with mixing to make a fi nal ethanol con-
centration of not more than 50 percent.
2. Dissolve the biotin-PEG
-amine reagent in reaction buffer at a concentration of 25 mM.
3. Add a quantity of the biotin-PEG
-amine solution to the solution containing the car-
boxylate molecule to achieve the desired molar excess. For molecules containing a single
carboxylate to be modifi ed, a 1.5- to 2-fold molar excess may be suffi cient. However, for
proteins or peptides that also contain competing amines, a much larger excess of biotin
compound should be used (e.g., 100-fold excess). For instance, for protein biotinylation,
add 120 l of the biotin-PEG
-amine solution per ml of the solution prepared in Step 1.
4. Immediately before use, dissolve EDC in reaction buffer at a concentration of 25 mM.
Add 12 l of this solution per ml of the combined solution from Step 2. Mix well.
5. React for 2 hours at room temperature or 4 hours at 4°C with gentle mixing.
6. Purify the biotinylated protein or molecule using dialysis or gel fi ltration. For small mol-
ecule biotinylation where these separation methods may not be appropriate, other pro-
cedures may have to be developed, such as reverse-phase chromatography or organic
precipitation techniques.
3.6. Biotin–PEG
–benzophenone is a biotinylation reagent with a hydrophilic spacer containing three
ethylene oxide units and a photoreactive group at its end (Quanta BioDesign). The benzophenone
is activated by UV light to an extremely reactive triplet-state ketone, which can insert into C H,
N H, and other structures, resulting in a covalent bond (Chapter 2, Section 7.2). The reac-
tion is one of the most effi cient photoreactive conjugation mechanisms available (Campbell and
Gioannini, 1979). Thus, this reagent provides a method of adding a biotin group to molecules that
don’t contain typical functionalities useful for bioconjugation. This may include polymeric sur-
faces or organic molecules lacking reactive targets ( Figure 18.23 ).
The presence of the PEG
spacer in this compound provides water solubility to the biotin
arm, whereas the benzophenone group should associate with more hydrophobic regions or sur-
faces, which may be ideal for the biotinylation photoreaction. The reagent can be used by dis-
solving it in an aqueous buffer suitable for use with whatever substance is to be biotinylated.
After mixing this solution with the target molecule or surface, exposure to UV light will initiate
the conjugation reaction. Unlike other photoreactive groups, a benzophenone doesn ’t undergo
decomposition to an inactive form if it doesn ’t couple to target molecules. Instead, it degrades
from the photo-excited state back to its initial state, so it can be once again photolyzed to an
active state. This process increases the likelihood that the benzophenone will couple to a target
molecule during the photoreaction. See Chapter 5, Section 4.3 for an illustration of the benzo-
phenone coupling reaction.
4. Discrete PEG Modifi cation Reagents
Large polymer PEG reagents having molecular weights 2,000 Da have been used for over 20
years as modifi cation agents for biological molecules (Chapter 25). These compounds often are
4. Discrete PEG Modifi cation Reagents 739