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Quantum Dots 399
Using for f(R) simply a Gaussian distribution around
R = 20 Å, we obtain
for CdS quantum dots the results shown in Fig. 20.5. One clearly sees
the energetically lowest one-pair resonances, which merge to a continuous
structure with increasing width of the size distribution. Absorption spectra
similar to those in Fig. 20.5 are experimentally observed in many quantum
dot systems.
In the nonlinear regime, one has to solve the full set of Bloch equations
(20.56). Assuming a pump–probe configuration, we obtain increasing levels
of one- and two-pair-state populations with increasing intensities of the
pump beam. For such a situation, Hu et al. (1996) computed the series of
probe absorption spectra, shown in Fig. 20.6. We see a gradual bleaching
of the energetically lowest transitions until, at sufficiently high excitation
level, negative absorption, i.e., optical gain occurs. This gain can be used
to produce semiconductor lasers with quantum dots as active material.
For these lasers, one typically uses arrays of quantum dots based on III-V
materials. More details can be found, e.g. in Bimberg et al. (1999).
The ”classical” papers introducing the theory of semiconductor quantum
dots are:
L.E.Brus,J.Chem.Phys.80, 4403 (1984)
Al. L. Efros and A.L. Efros, Sov. Phys. Semicond., 16, 772(1982)
Reference books on semiconductor quantum dots include:
L. Banyai and S.W. Koch, Semiconductor Quantum Dots, World Scientific
Publ., Singapore (1993)
U. Woggon, Optical Properties of Semiconductor Quantum Dots, Springer
Tracts in Modern Physics 136, Springer Verlag, Berlin (1997)
D. Bimberg, M. Grundmann, and N.N. Ledentsov, Quantum Dot Het-
erostructures, Wiley and Sons, New York (1999)
The work presented in this chapter is largely based on:
Y.Z.Hu,M.Lindberg,andS.W.Koch,Phys.Rev.B42, 1713 (1990)
see also: