The decision of how much detail to incorporate into a model should be driven by
a clearly defined objective related to a specific design requirement or constraint.The
designer must determine the required output of the modeling effort and ensure
appropriate design features are adequately represented in the model. For example,
the model format and size will depend upon the need for stress results. In general,
much less detail is required for displacement models than for stress models. Stress
concentration resolution generally requires extensive modeling detail.
Sometimes multiple models are appropriate. For example, lumped parameter
models may be sufficient in preliminary design and for conducting system sway
space budget exercises. A beam model may be appropriate for a shock or vibration
isolation system and excitation path design. In most cases, a finite element model is
necessary to resolve stresses in detailed features. Engineering judgment must be
applied to assess the need for modeling nonlinear properties and detailed features.
Planning and data management are also important elements of the modeling
process. The designer should consider all of the potential uses of the model prior to
model construction.
Lumped Parameter Models. The simplest type of dynamic model is the single-
degree-of-freedom system, for which tabulated and charted solutions are widely
available (see Chaps. 1 and 2). Lumped parameter models can be used to accurately
represent many mechanical structures. These include structures in which one struc-
tural element is much more flexible than the remaining structure. In such a case, the
rigid portion of the structure may be adequately represented as a lumped mass con-
nected to the equivalent spring stiffness of the flexible element. The behavior of
complex structures often can be represented by very simple dynamic models.
Designers should seek to recognize and exploit such simplifications wherever possi-
ble, as is illustrated later.
Distributed Parameter Models. Sometimes the mass of a structure is evenly dis-
tributed over a large span of the structure. In these cases, a lumped parameter model
may require a very large number of degrees-of-freedom, and a distributed modeling
approach is preferred. Distributed parameter models are on the next level of com-
plexity in the hierarchy of modeling tools. Classical beam, plate, and shell theory
provide the basis for such modeling. Poles, wings, frames, and the leads of electronic
devices may be considered as beams, while printed circuit boards, panels, covers, and
doors may be viewed as plates. Modeling techniques for distributed systems are pro-
vided in Chaps. 1 and 7.
Finite Element Method Models. Systems with multiple distributed parameter
components become difficult to solve as geometry becomes even modestly complex.
Fortunately, user-friendly software tools exist which enable designers to obtain com-
puter solutions to distributed parameter models using the finite element method
(FEM) of analysis. See Chap. 28, Part II, for details on FEM models and Chap. 27 for
a discussion of the computer implementation of FEM models.
FEM models can vary widely in complexity depending on the desired results.
Because FEM models can place substantial demands on computer and human
resources, it is important not to make the model any more complex than needed for
the application. Relatively simple models that involve only a few hundred degrees-
of-freedom are often adequate to compute estimates for the first few normal modes
of a structure. On the other hand, models involving 10,000 or more degrees-of-
freedom are often required to obtain accurate stress predictions, particularly if the
structure has nonlinear characteristics. This variation in the complexity of an FEM
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