We would like to thank the friends and colleagues
who read parts of this manuscript and from whose comments we
benefited: Robert Adelman, E
tienne Balibar, Denis Berger, Yann
Moulier Boutang, Tom Conley, Arif Dirlik, Luciano Ferrari-
Bravo, David Harvey, Fred Jameson, Rebecca Karl, Wahneema
Lubiano, Saree Makdisi, Christian Marazzi, Valentin Mudimbe,
Judith Revel, Ken Surin, Christine Thorsteinsson, Jean-Marie
Vincent, Paolo Virno, Lindsay Waters, and Kathi Weeks.
The quote by Ani DiFranco on page v is from ‘‘My IQ,’’
copyright 䉷 1993 Righteous Babe Music, all rights reserved, and
is used by permission.