NonlinearBook10pt November 20, 2007
conditions (14.73), (14.74), (14.76), and (14.77) are trivially satisfied by
(14.92). Next, conditions (14.90) and (14.91) imply (14.71) and (14.75).
Now, (14.93) and (14.94) are immediate from Theorem 14.5.
14.6 Gain, Sector, and Disk Margins of Discrete-Time
Optimal Regulators
Gain and ph ase margins of continuous-time state feedback linear-quadratic
optimal regulators were extensively discussed in Chapter 8. In particular, in
terms of classical control relative stability notions, these controllers possess
at least a ±60
phase margin, infinite gain margin, and 50 percent gain
reduction for each control channel. Alternatively, in terms of absolute
stability theory [10] these controllers guarantee sector margins in that
the closed-loop system will remain asymptotically stable in the face of a
memoryless static input nonlinearity contained in the conic sector (
, ∞).
In contrast, the stability margins of discrete-time linear-quadratic optimal
regulators are not as well known and depend on the open-loop and closed-
loop poles of the discrete-time dynamical system [397, 459].
Synthesis techniques for discrete-time linear state feedback control
laws guaranteeing that the closed-lo op system possesses p respecified sec-
tor, gain, and phase margins were developed in [262]. However, un-
like continuous-time nonlinear-nonquadratic inverse optimal state feedback
regulators possessing guaranteed sector and disk margins to component
decoupled input nonlinearities in the conic sector (
, ∞) [321] an d dissipative
dynamic input operators [395], sector and disk margin guarantees f or
discrete-time nonlinear-nonquadratic regulators have not been addressed in
the literature.
In this section, we develop sufficient conditions for gain, sector, and
disk margin guarantees for discrete-time n on linear systems controlled by
optimal and inverse optimal nonlinear regulators that minimize a nonlinear-
nonquadratic performance criterion involving a nonlinear-nonquadr atic fun-
ction of the state and a quadratic function of the feedback control. In
the case where we specialize our results to the linear-quadratic case, we
recover the classical discrete-time linear-quadratic optimal regulator gain
and phase margin guarantees obtained in [262, 459]. Specifically, we derive
the relative stability margins for a discrete-time nonlinear optimal regulator
that minimizes a nonlinear-nonquadratic performance criterion involving a
nonlinear-nonquadratic f unction of the state and a quadratic function of the
feedback control.