28 V. V. Gorbatchuk, M. A. Ziganshin
value observed for the same protein-substrate pair in water solutions
[31, 32]. For this favorable hydration effect to be seen, a synthetic polymer
should be hydrophilic to let water penetrate inside its bulk phase and have a
rather rigid structure preventing the sorption of hydrophobic or large
substrates without hydration [28]. The cross-linked poly(N-6-
aminohexylacrylamide) (PNAHAA), studied in [28], fits rather well to
these requirements. The sorption isotherm of benzene on this polymer has
almost the same shape as for human serum albumin, Figure 4.
Cooperative phenomena in binary protein-water systems were
described as a result of protein microheterogeneous structure [33].
clathrates of water were observed around hydrophobic groups of amino acid
residues [34]
and bound hydrophobic compounds [35, 36]
in protein
Since the same cooperative hydration effect is observed for the
binding of hydrophobic compounds by an amorphous non-protein
macromolecular material, like PNAHAA [28], and proteins that do not
perform significant cooperativity at the binding of organic vapors in
absence of water [31, 32],
one can conclude that a source of protein
hydration cooperativity may be rather the properties of bound water itself
than the special protein structure.
Water bound by hydrophilic macromolecular receptor contributes
much to its binding selectivity. The hydration of PNAHAA increases its
selectivity for the pair benzene-cyclohexane up to almost that of liquid
water [28]. But this polymer as well as proteins [31, 32] becomes much less
selective for the pairs of more hydrophilic sorbates when hydrated. Strong
dependence of the substrate binding selectivity on the receptor hydration
can be a powerful tool in the applications of the odor recognition devices.
A further justification of the clathrate nature of the cooperative
hydration effect and the role of hydration in the substrate binding by
hydrophilic receptors comes from the sorption studies for beta-cyclodextrin
(BCD) [37]. Dry beta-cyclodextrin does not bind monofunctional
compounds larger than ethanol. Hence, being hydrophilic, it fits to the
above-mentioned requirement for the receptor to have the biomimetic
hydration effect. BCD does bind benzene up to hydration of 0.06 g H
BCD and benzene activity P/P
=0.8 as shown in Figure 5. But when BCD
is almost completely hydrated, it forms 1:1.3 clathrate with benzene [37]
(see Figure 5). The shape of benzene sorption isotherm on BCD hydrated to
0.172 g H
O/g BCD has the same shape as for the guest vapor binding by
solid hydrophobic hosts as shown by Figure 1.