The Experience of Utilizing the Explosives Detection 17
In the Pulkovo airport this combination is introduced in two phases of
baggage inspection: in the first checking line X-ray units are used, and in
the second phase TNA systems EDS-5101 are used. It is important to note
that the thermal neutron analysis enables to look into the structure of the
baggage substances and to detect the presence or absence of explosives by a
noninvasive analysis with a high degree of probability. The EDS-5101
system uses target designation of a suspicious area obtained from an X-ray
unit. This allows to inspect not the whole content of the baggage, but only
the area where explosives were suspected, and to detect explosives with a
high degree of precision and with a low level of false alarms.
In addition, new improved algorithms have been used in the EDS-5101
system, which utilize latest developments in physics and mathematical
statistics to provide stable separation of signals from nitrogen in explosives
on nitrogen in other substances. This decreases the number of false alarms
The likelihood of presence of suspicious objects in the check-in and
carry-on baggage is approximately 20–25%, that is, every fourth or fifth
baggage item. The time of inspection of one piece of the check-in (or carry-
on) baggage in an X-ray unit is about 5–7 seconds, the time of inspection of
suspicious check-in (or carry-on) baggage with EDS-5101 is about 12–17
seconds. Thus, one explosive detection unit can serve from two to four
usual X-ray units, and check the carry-on baggage and suspicious check-in
baggage for the presence of explosives without reduction in the inspection
line capacity. EDS-5101 can be successfully used for checking of personal
computers, photo and video cameras, mobile phones which can used to
camouflage explosives. EDS-5101 has a mode of checking the entire carry-
on baggage, if X-ray units cannot provide a clear picture of a suspicious
area against the background. In this case EDS-5101 works practically
without target designation, however, it efficiently detects explosives.
Special algorithms allow to neutralize the influence of nitrogen not related
to explosives, so that it does not practically affect the final result. It is
important that the system comes to a conclusion automatically, without an
The explosives detection system was tested in the Livermore National
Laboratory under operation of specialists from the Transport Security
Administration (USA). It received positive assessment both of the quality
of operation and the level of safety of such systems in airports. As the
testing was carried out without X-rays, it was recommended to carry out
repeated trials with an X-ray unit. For comparison, it can be said that the
level of the stray radiation from the surface of EDS unit is practically on the
level of natural background in the airport owing to special protective
material for the case of the equipment. The EDS system received a
certificate of the Sanitary Inspection (the Russian requirements to radiation