Notes to pages 228-31
24, 2003; Kim Sengupta, "Pilgrims threaten jihad against American forces,"
Independent, April 24, 2003.
144 Patrick Cockburn, "Real looting," Independent, April 28, 2003; Douglas
Jehl, "US-backed exiles return to reinvent nation," New York Times, May
4, 2003; Patrick Tyler, "In reversal, plan for Iraq self-rule has been put off,"
New York Times, May 17, 2003.
145 Naomi Klein, "Bomb before you buy," Guardian, April 14,
2003; Mark
Steel, "Knock it down, then build it back up again," Independent, April 10,
2003; David Usboe, Rupert Cornwall and Phil Reeves, "Iraq Inc.: a joint
venture built on broken promises," Independent, May 10, 2003; see also
Naomi Klein, "Downsizing in disguise," Th e Nation, June 23, 2003.
Clare Dyer, "Occupation of Iraq illegal, Blair told," Guardian, May 22, 2003;
John Innes, "US and UK action in post-war Iraq may be illegal," Scotsman,
May 22, 2003.
147 Felicity Barringer, "UN vote on Iraq ends sanctions and grants US wide author
ity," New York Times, May 23, 2003; the resolution was passed 14:0 (Syria's
chair remained empty). For commentaries, see Sukumar Muralidharan,
"Colonising Iraq," Frontline 20/32 (2003); Hasan Abu Nimah, "The
Security Council that betrayed its mission," Jordan Times, May 28, 2003;
Steve Kretzmann, Jim Vallette, "Plugging Iraq into globalization," at
<http://www.counterpunch.org/kretzmann07222003.htm>. July 22, 2003;
Rania Masri, "The corporate invasion of Iraq," Inteational Socialist
Review 30 (2003) at <http://www.isreview.org>.
148 Tariq Ali, "Re-colonizing Iraq," New Left Review 21 (2003), pp. 5-19: 9;
id., "Business as usual," Guardian, May 24, 2003; see also his Bush in
Babylon: Th e Recolonisation of Iraq (London: Verso, 2003), pp. 161-5.
149 Michael Howard, "Ruling Council in symbolic rst step," Guardian, July
14, 2003; Raad Alkadiri and Chris Toensing, "The Iraqi Governing
Council's sectarian hue," Middle East Report Online at <http://w.
merip.org/mero/mero082003.htmb, August 20, 2003; Governing Iraq
(International Crisis Group, August 25, 2003), pp. 15-16. The Coalition
Provisional Authority had sweeping powers to control the Iraqi press, and
reporters from Iraq Today were refused entry to the press conference that
Salam Pax eventually attended: Salam Pax, "Baghdad blogger," Guardian,
August 13, 2003; Riverbend, "Baghdad is burning," August 26, 2003.
150 Richard Norton-Taylor and Rory McCarthy, "Resistance to occupation
is growing," Guardian, June 13, 2003; Rory McCarthy, "US troops kill
97 Iraqis in new attacks," Guardian, June 14, 2003; Patrick Cockburn,
"Battles rage across Saddam heartland where guerrillas resist US occupa
tion," Independent, June 14, 2003; id., "Villagers enraged and baffled by
American show of force," Independent, June 15, 2003; David Rhode, "US
forces launch raids across Iraq to quell uprisings," New York Times, June
15, 2003; s e, -e rit to r � GTdn, June 19. 23;
Ewen MacAskill and Michael Howard, -Violence spreads south as forces
of the rump regime get ever bolder," Guardian, June 25, 2003; Patrick
Cockburn, "The bloody ambush of Amara," Independent, June 26, 2003;
Sami Ramadani, "Bring the troops home," Guardian, June 26, 2003; Euan
MacAskill, "Surge of attacks claims US life in Shia city," Guardian, June
28, 2003; Jonathan Steele, "Iraqis wait for US troops to leave," Guardian,
July 5, 2003; Patrick Tyler, "In Iraq's disorder, the Ayatollahs may save the
day," New York Times, July 6, 2003; Karim EI-Gawhary, "Daggers and
roses," al-Ahm, July 17-23, 2003; Jonathan Steele and Michael Howard,
"US confused by Iraq's quiet war," Guardian, July 18, 2003; Gerhard Spar!
and Bernhard Zand, "The wrath of the conquered," Der Spiegel at <http:
w.spiegel.de/spiegeenglish>. July 21, 2003; David Blair, "Thousand march
anti-US demo," Daily Telegraph, July 21, 2003; Thomas Ricks, "US adopts
aggressive attacks on Iraqi ghters," Washington Post, July 28, 2003;
Governing Iraq, p. 5.
151 Jamie Wilson, "British troops battle to control mobs in Basra," Observer,
August 10, 2003; id., "Basra 'betrayed' and pushed to the brink,"
Guardian, August 12, 2003; Justin Huggler, "British soldiers face wrath of
Iraqis as hatred festers on the streets of Basra," Independent, August 12,
2003; Dexter Filkins, "Chaos and calm are dual Iraq realities," New York
Times, August 24, 2003 (my emphasis); Goveing Iraq, pp. 2-6.
152 Baghdad: A Race Against the Clock, pp. 16-17; John Tierney and Robert
Worth, "Attacks in Iraq may be signals of new tactics," New York Times,
August 18, 2003; Justine Huggler, "Sabotage threatens Iraq's economy,"
Independent, August 18, 2003.
153 Jamie Wilson and Julian Borger, "Iraq: the agony goes on," Guardian, August
20, 2003; Justin Huggler, "Massacre of the peacemakers," Independent,
August 20, 2003; Dexter Filkins and Richard Oppel, "Huge suicide blast
demolishes UN headquarters in Baghdad," New York Times, August 20,
2003; Pamela Constable, "Nonmilitary targets face new threat," Wa shington
Post, August 20, 2003; Patrick McDonnell and Tracy Wilkinson, "Baghdad
bomb had the mark of experts," Los Angeles Times, August 21,2003. One
of the cruelest ironies was that the blast murdered one of the UN's most
articulate and courageous defenders of the Iraqis' right to sovereignty. In
the last interview to be published before his death, De Mello had made it
plain that the occupation had to be brought to a speedy end: "It is trau
matic. It must be one of the most humiliating periods in [Iraqi] history. Who
would like to see their country occupied?" See Jonathan Steele, "De Mello
knew sovereignty, not security, is the issue," Guardian, August 21, 2003.
154 Mark MacKinnon, "How to make friends and occupy people," Globe and
Mail, July 26, 2003. Bremer described his plans for privatization - "the switch