Notes to pages 111-15
13 William Sare, "Israel or Arafat," New York Times, December 3, 2001; Simon
Tisdall, "Bush's backing for Israeli retaliation puts role as broker into ques
tion," Guardian, December 4, 2001; Suzanne Goldenberg, "They ran for their
lives through a eld of death," Guardian, December 5, 2001; id., "Reprisals
risk collapse of Arafat's rule," Guardian, December 6, 2001.
14 Edgar Lefkovitz, "Giuliani steals show as New York delegation visits
Jerusalem," jerusalem Post, December 10, 2001; Judy Siegel, "Giuliani,
Bloomberg, Pataki visit the wounded," jertlsalem Post, December 10, 2001;
Ewan MacAskill and Suzanne Goldenberg, "US loses patience with Arafat,"
Guardian, December 10, 2001. I have taken Giuliani's remarks from an agency
report: "Rousing reception for Giuliani in Jerusalem," Ha'aretz, December
10, 2001. This was not his rst visit; New York City and Jerusalem had signed
a mutual cooperation agreement in 1993, which Giuliani reafrmed on tak
ing ofce in 1995, and in 1996 he made a "solidarity visit" to Jerusalem which
he described as "the unied and undivided capital of the state of Israel": a
claim which was, of course, bitterly contested by the Palestinians.
15 Anton La Guardia, "Bush says Arafat is backing terrorism," Daily Telegraph,
January 26, 2002; Delinda Hanley, "US moves from condemnation to tacit
approval of Sharon's war on Palestinians," Wa shington Report on Middle
East Affairs 2112 (March 2002).
16 Graham Usher and Brian Whitaker, "Israelis seize town in terror hunt,"
Guardian, January 22, 2002; Greg Myre, "Israel strikes after rocket attack,"
Guardian, February 17, 2002; Suzanne Goldenberg, "Assault on refugee
camps," Guardian, March 1, 2002; id., "Israelis launch massive attack,"
Guardian, March 13, 2002.
17 Reinhart, Israel/Palestine, p. 148; Suzanne Goldenberg, "Israel turns its re
on Arafat," Guardian, March 30, 2002; Charles Krauthammer, "Banish Arafat
now," Washington Post, April 5, 2002.
18 Raja Shehadeh, Wh en the Bulbul Stopped Singing: A Diary of Ramallah
Under Siege (London: Prole Books, 2003), pp. 57, 85; Rema Hammami,
"Interregnum: Palestine after Operation Defensive Shield," Middle East
Report 223 (Summer 2002).
19 Uri Avnery, "The real aim of Operation Defensive Shield," Arab News, May
17, 2002.
20 Amnesty International, "The heavy price of Israeli incursions," at
<http://web.amnesty.org/library/index/ENGMDE150422002>, April 2002).
Beaumont, "Israeli tanks take war into Manger Square," Guardian, April
3, 2002.
22 Peter Beaumont, "Pull back, Bush orders Sharon," Observer, April 7, 2002;
Sarah Left, "Sharon dees calls to end offensive," Guardian, April 8, 2002.
23 Reinhart, Isel/Palestine, pp. 161-5; Tsadok Yeheskeli, "Demolishing
Jenin: riding a 60-ton bulldozer," Yediot Aharonot, May 31, 2002; trans. at
<http://www.gush-shalom.org/english, June 2002>.
Notes to pages 116-1 8
24 Suzanne Goldenberg, "The lunar landscape that was the Jenin refugee
camp," Guardian, April 16, 2002; Janine di Giovanni, "Inside the camp
of death," Times, April 16, 2002; Amira Hass, "What kind of war is this?,"
Ha'aretz, April 20, 2002; Chris McGreal and Brian Whitaker, "Israel
accused over Jenin assault," Guardian, May 23, 2002.
25 Yitzhak Laor, "After Jenin," London Review of Books, May 9, 2002.
Human Rights Watch estimated that at least 52 Palestinians had been killed
during the incursions; 22 of them were civilians, many of whom were killed
willfully and unlawfully. "Palestinians were used as human shields and the
IDF employed indiscriminate and excessive force": Human Rights Watch,
"Jenin: IDF military operations," at <http:hrw.org/reportsl2002/israel3/>,
May 2002; see also Amnesty International, "Heavy price" and "Shielded
from scrutiny - IDF violations in Jenin and Nablus," the latter at <http:
web.amnesty.orgllibrary/index/ENGMDE151432002>, November 2002.
There are plausible reasons for treating these casualty gures as minima: see
Reinhart, Israel/Palestine, pp. 152-70. Her doubts have been reinforced
by an analysis of satellite imagery - see "Jenin, Palestine 32° 27'39'N
35° 17'20'E" at <http:www.globalsecurity.org/military/worldlpalestine/jenin_
imagery.htm> - and by eyewitness reports: Ida Audeh, "Narratives of siege:
eyewitness testimonies from Jenin, Bethlehem and Nablus," joual of
Palestine Studies 31/4 (2002), pp. 13-34; Ramzy Baroud (ed.), Searching jenin:
Eyewitness Accounts of the Israeli Invasion (Seattle, WA: Cune Press, 2003).
Reinhart, Israel/Palestine, pp. 157-8; d. Arundhati Roy, "The algebra of
innite justice," in her Power Politics (Cambridge, : South End Press, 2001),
pp. 105-24.
Camille Mansour, "Israel's colonial impasse," journal of Palestine Studies
30 (2001), pp. 83-7: 86-7.
Stephen Graham, "Lessons in urbicide," New Left Review 19 (2003), pp.
63-77: 71-4.
Eyal Weizman, "The politics of verticality," at <http://www.opendemocracy.
net>, April 2002; see also "Border security systems" at <http://www.
30 Akiva Eldar, "How to cease from a cease-re," Ha'aretz, July 25, 2002; Suzanne
Goldenberg, "Israelis row over bombing blame," Guardian, July 25, 2002;
Graham Usher, "Sharon accused of shattering ceasere," Guardian, July 27,
2002; Levy-Barzilai Vered, "The high and mighty," Ha'aretz, August 22, 2002;
Aryeh Dayan, "'One day in ve, the IDF attempts assassination,' '' Ha'aretz,
May 21, 2003. On the legal issues surrounding the attack, see Ariel Meyer
stein, "Case-study: the Israeli strike against Hamas leader Salah Shehadeh,"
Crimes of War Project, at <http:www.crimesofwar.org/onnews/ne.s
shehadeh.htmb, September 19, 2002.
31 Hanan Elmasu, "Where the streets had a name," at <http:
electroniclntifada.net/v2>, January 24, 2003.