Discrete-Ordinates Methods for Radiative Transfer 75
• be at least second-order accurate,
• be highly damped in strongly absorbing media,
• be accurate in optically-thin regions,
• possess the thick diffusion limit,
• behave well with unresolved spatial boundary layers.
In general, lumped discontinuous spatial discretization schemes are required
for radiative transfer. These schemes are usually either finite-element based
[4, 5] or finite-volume based [6]. While lumping of the removal and source
terms is well defined, lumping of the gradient term is also required in multidi-
mensional calculations [7]. There is no general procedure for gradient lumping
and it must generally be performed on a case-by-case basis. Gradient lumping
remains a research topic. The need to possess the thick diffusion limit places
additional demands upon spatial discretization schemes. It is important to
explain exactly what it means for a spatial discretization scheme to possess
the thick diffusion-limit. In this limit, the transport solution is diffusive and
the spatial cells can be arbitrarily thick with respect to a mean-free-path.
The diffusion length is the spatial scalelength for diffusive solutions, and the
diffusion length can be arbitrarily large with respect to a mean-free-path.
Hence, a spatial mesh with cells that are thin with respect to a diffusion
length but arbitrarily thick with respect to a mean-free-path might be intu-
itively expected to yield an accurate solution because the spatial variation of
the exact solution is well resolved by the mesh. Indeed, a scheme that yields
an accurate solution for highly diffusive problems whenever the variation of
the exact diffusive solution is well resolved by the mesh is said to possess the
thick diffusion limit. However, it is important to recognize that convergent
schemes, i.e. schemes with truncation errors that go to zero as the mesh is
refined, do not necessarily possess the thick diffusion limit. A truncation error
analysis yields no information on the behavior of a scheme in this limit. Such
analyses indicate that accurate solutions will be obtained if the mesh cells
are thin with respect to a mean-free-path. Spatial resolution on the order of
a mean-free-path is completely impracical in highly diffusive problems. For
instance, as a problem is made increasingly diffusive, the characteristic width
of the system approaches a fixed value when measured in diffusion lengths
and becomes infinite when measured in mean-free-paths. To determine the
behavior of a spatial discretization scheme in the thick diffusion limit, one
must perform a discrete asymptotic analysis [4, 7–10].
Boundary layers that are a few mean-free-paths thick can exist at the
transitions between non-diffusive and diffusive regions. It can be very difficult
to resolve such layers. In general, an adaptive approach is required because the
locations of these boundary layers usually vary dynamically. Furthermore, in
a multifrequency calculation one may not be able to resolve a boundary layer
on a mean-free-path basis for all frequencies. Thus it is desirable to have
schemes that behave well if not highly accurately with unresolved spatial