racial prejudice experiment,
radio codec development, 154
Randi, James, 63
range, 79, 101
conscious assessment,
recall, advertising, 41
Red Bull, 148, 149, 167, 178
reflection, 160
reflexive processing, 16
REI, 78
reinforcing existing opinions,
relativity, 57
repetition, impact of, 153
respondent recruitment, crit-
icism of, 163
response, self-justification, 28
fresh food, 81
visible customers, 87
retail displays, lighting
experiment, 54
retail environments
behavior, 138
influences, 53
retail outlet, selecting, 18
retail park, 96
retailer perception, 76
retailers, online, 26, 34, 63,
Review of Intelligence of
Mass Destruction, 155
risk, 79, 175, 197
preoccupation with, 42
reducing with AFECT,
risk aversion, 39, 136
risk taking, 149
Roberts, Pat, 155
Rolex, 57
room proportions, 55
Rowlands, Mark, 5
Royal Albert Hall, 112
Rumsfeld, Donald, 15
Russell, Bertrand, 72
sales, diagnosing poor, 83
sales figures, barometer of
success, 38
salespeople, 69, 85
female, 21
influence, 17, 56
perceived scarcity, 45
priming, 98
sampling, 92
satisfaction, 101
self-reported, 89
Save the Children, 104
Schindler, Oscar, 28
Scientific Advertising, 181
scratchcards, 63
screening, 151
Seasonal Anxiety Disorder,
selective attention, 26
self-assessment, 74
self-awareness, AFECT, 186
self-censorship, 157
self-consciousness, 161
self-delusion, 131
self-perception, 19, 23, 152
self-perception theory, 72
senses, 27
filtering, 20
sensitization, 36, 109, 139
from mirrors, 160
sensory experiences, prim-
ing, 50
serotonin, 29, 54
share names, 177
share performance, 177
shaving cream, 99
Sherif, Mazafer, 147
shopping lists, 132
Shuster, Sam, 87
Signum, 6
skin conductivity response,
smell, 20, 194
smoke experiment, 46
snake (rubber), 174
soap dispensers art experi-
ment, 71
social proof, 46, 50, 137, 150
and priming, 48
Hertz, 182
market research, 51
social sensitivity experiment,
soft drinks, display evalua-
tion, 34
Sony, 41, 42
Sony Ericsson, 151, 162, 167
speech experiment, 105
speed, 76, 128
split tests, 26, 34
sponsorship, 44
call center, 87
contact, 75
ignoring customers, 88
interactions, 84
standardization, desire for,
Stanford Prison Experiment,
statement presentation, 118
statistical confidence, 3
statistical significance, 92
stereotyping, 156
stock market crash, 170
Stoner, James, 152
computer parts, 35
design, 34
display impact, 81
entrance, 77
environment, 71
music, 54
new, 93, 95
product availability, 134
students, cheating experi-
ment, 160
subliminal brand exposure,
suggestion, 101
suicide notes experiment, 49
supermarket, 60
beer, 14
choice, 79
jam choice test, 18
level of unconscious
attention, 36
music, 54
reliance on uncon-
scious, 31
shopping lists, 132
superstition, 4, 64, 197
surveys, 2, 7, 57, 198
Sytropin, 26
Swedish Radio, 154
Tango, 47
taste, 51, 59
taste test, 15
taxi journey, 82
teenagers, 148
licence fee, 122
listings, 16
new drama, 15
program title appraisal,
selecting a program, 135
Sony, 42
temperature, 22
temporal lobes, impact of
damage, 25
temporary shop scam, 46
terrorist attacks, 130
test and control, 136, 196
texture, 194
Thaler, Richard, 121
The Absolute Sound, 154
theme park, 43
Thomas, Lewis, 86
ticket design, 16
tickets, 78, 187
tights experiment, 24
time, 63, 75, 82
asking questions, 127
eyes, 80
mental processing, 77
timeframe, AFECT, 186
Timex, 58
tone of voice, 85, 87
influencing groups, 153
please you, 119
toothpaste, 98
Top Gear, 6
touch, importance of, 75
towels sign experiment, 47
Townshend, Robert, 182
transactional analysis, 96, 111,
triggers of desire, 20
Turkey, 82
Tversky, Amos, 79
typeface, 176
unanimity, illusion of, 157
filtering, 102
shaping behavior, 29
unconscious drives, eating,
unconscious familiarity, 41
unconscious mind
and behavior, 139
brands, 13
choice, 16, 79
conflict with conscious,
30, 39
detachment of, 19, 20
emotions, 84
filtering, 26, 38, 85, 194
fluency, 45
importance of, 10
influence outside of
awareness, 26
language, 12
learned distortions, 86
least resistance, 45
pattern checker, 26
preoccupation with
safety, 40
processing ability, 27
realization of insight,
referencing data, 15
reflexive processing, 16
reliance on, 31
screening out, 12
speed of response, 128
the problem of the, 11
visual communication,
unconscious priming, 115
Underhill, Paco, 34, 69, 75,
unicycling, 87
Unilever, 108
US government, 95
value for money, 192
vegetarian food, 133
video, 160
mimicking experiment,
viewing facilities, 53, 158
description, 158
environment, 157
mirror, 160
viral marketing, 153
vision test experiment, 150
visual attention, 83
visual clutter, removing, 34
visual communication, 83
visual prompts, 63
visual sense, 21
vodka, 108
voice of the customer, 23
walking pace, 76
Wall Street Journal, 168
warm-up exercise, 109
washing machines, 16, 42
Watergate, 155
weather, 50
influence, 29
Wegner, Daniel M., 7, 25, 31,
western apparel and feed
store, 54
Whirlpool, 18
white noise, 71
Wilson, Timothy D., 3, 24,
30, 99, 172
classical music experi-
ment, 53
familiar image experi-
ment, 177
packaging experiment,
price experiement, 21
wishful thinking, 168
witness (leading), 101
witnesses, 63
women shopping together,
word scrutiny, 131
words, 83
choice of, 85
IAT categorization, 129
priming, 48
writing, 78
Y2K, 92
Zara, 196
Zimbardo, Philip, 59
214 Consumer.ology