Gaining an Edge 191
ing the product for real. Since none of the six conditions has been
met, there is a very high likelihood that consumers have presented
how they would like to believe they make decisions, and what they
think would make a product appealing, but there is no way of
knowing how much conscious invention has taken place. Rather,
given the shift in mindset and the nature of the questions, there are
considerable grounds to ignore the results entirely.
As a further alternative approach, say the manufacturer is
unable to secure the cooperation of a retailer, or isn’t prepared to
make the investment in producing a limited run of the new packs,
and wants to obtain a consumer perspective before taking one of
the designs it has developed further. After observing customers in-
store to identify the typical behavior and mindset of a motor oil
consumer, people who purchase motor oil are recruited for individ-
ual interviews (although that product is concealed among many
other products they are asked about). Mock displays are created
(either virtually or physically) to simulate visually as much of the
store as possible, within which the new design is substituted. Each
respondent is directed into the appropriate frame of mind and asked
to make a number of product purchases from the simulated display,
including one for motor oil, and told that they will be asked to pay
for their product, which they’ll receive at the end of the process.
Their behavior, any questions they ask, and the choices they make
are analyzed. Subsequently questions may be asked to confirm or
clarify the choices made, before their money is returned to them.
A Is it an analysis of behavioral data? Partially. Behavior has been observed
and then simulated, rather than attitudes or opinions solicited.
F Were consumers in a realistic frame of mind? Yes. Observation was used
to identify customers’ mindset, and this mindset was recreated
in the simulated shopping experience.
E How real was the environment? It was a simulation. Some of the con-
textual information was available, but the environment was
C Was the focus of the research covert? Primarily covert. The product of
interest wasn’t identified and was concealed with several other