170 3 Grain Boundary Motion
boundary will, therefore, be in contact with two types of particles, namely
the thermally distributed particles for r<r
(v) and the volume distribution
of particles with r>r
(v), to which the boundary is attached temporarily
during its motion. Both kinds of particles, however, have quite a different
effect on boundary migration. While the small particles, which migrate with
the boundary, reduce the effective driving force, the large statistically touched
particles constitute a “frictional” force, acting like pinning centers.
With increasing boundary velocity the number of particles attached to the
boundary diminishes so that the net drag effect decreases, while the “fric-
tional” forces increase owing to a growing number of contacted but unattached
particles. Therefore, the dependence of boundary velocity on driving force does
not reveal a discontinuity as in Fig. 3.14; rather, it will continuously change
between the two branches [208].
It is stressed that for mobile obstacles, grain boundary behavior and finally
microstructure evolution is not any longer determined by the distribution of
obstacle spacings, but rather by the distribution of obstacle mobilities.
The discussion so far has been based on the assumption that the parti-
cle distribution in the system is temporally constant. However, it was shown
that the particle distribution behind the moving grain boundary was different
from the one in front of the boundary. Moreover, the particle distribution, ob-
served behind the moving boundary, is shifted toward the large size particles
as compared to the particle distribution ahead of the moving grain bound-
ary [213, 214]. The authors explained this phenomenon by “the increased dif-
fusion permeability of grain boundaries” [213]. Quantitative calculations show
that for particle densities (∼ 10
given in [213, 214], grain growth rate
(up to 10
cm/s), and rate of particles growth (∼ 10
cm/s) the contri-
bution of grain boundary diffusivity for a time, when a particle is in contact
with the grain boundary, is negligibly small. The observed phenomena are
more likely due to another effect of boundary-particle interaction. If the par-
ticles are large and thus practically immobile at a given driving force and
temperature they act as pinning centers and cause the initially planar grain
boundary to bow out between the particles. This bulging, however, increases
the grain boundary area and, consequently, decreases the level of grain bound-
ary adsorption, i.e. adsorption of the grain boundary becomes unsaturated.
The only powerful source for solute atoms to replenish the concentration in the
boundary are the second-phase particles, primarily the smallest of them, in
accordance with the Gibbs-Thomson equation, which states that the chemical
potential of atoms in a particle increases with decreasing radius of curvature
(size of a particle). Consequently, the curved grain boundary tends to dissolve
the attached second-phase particles, most rapidly the smallest of them. With
decreasing particle size the mobility of the particle increases and eventually
permits the particle to move together with the grain boundary, causing the
latter to flatten. The locally flat grain boundary will now be oversaturated by
adsorbed atoms, and in turn will redistribute the solute atoms to the parti-
cles, favoring the largest ones. A shift of the particle size distribution toward
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