Nano-optimized Construction Materials by Nano-seeding and Crystallization Control 187
X-Ray and neutron scattering are well-established techniques for in-situ studies
of cement pore structure [Allen, 1991; Kriechbaum, 1989]. Compared to the clas-
sical mercury porosimetry, these techniques possess the advantage of being non-
invasive. With neutron source facilities, analysis of elastic and quasielastic spectra
allows consequently the monitoring of the silicate phase hydration [Häussler,
2002; Faraone, 2004; Peterson, 2005]. Water binding and surface area evolution
during hydrate precipitation can be simultaneously followed in a same sample.
Recently, SAXS benefits of a popularization of laboratory equipments making this
technique more and more accessible and attractive. Nevertheless, the highest reso-
lutions based on X-Ray scattering as well as neutron scattering experiments
require rare and expensive external facilities which make these characterization
methods still infrequently used in cement analysis.
NMR has been an ever-present and key technique in the characterization of
binders, from the post-war period with Pakes’s article [Pake, 1948] showing pro-
ton NMR spectra of gypsum, until today where dynamic NMR methods deliver
new outstanding results on cement paste porosity. The recent progresses made in
cement field were reviewed in the following articles [Nestle, 2007 & Skibsted,
2008]. Two-dimensional NMR relaxometry provides unique information on ex-
change of water between the silicate surface and the capillary pores [McDonald
2005 & 2007]. Proton relaxation at the surface of hydrate is a probe (and non-
invasive) for the determination of specific surface area of these hydrates and its
evolution during the hydration [Zajac, 2007]. It also enables to study the pore size
distribution over time. For instance, the fractal character of cement paste was
clearly demonstrated with the power-law followed by the pore size distribution
[Plassais, 2005]. New NMR techniques are certainly a high-performing tool in
order to provide access to hydration processes at nano scale also in presence of
admixtures [Rottstegge 2006].
3.2 Multi Scale Computer Modeling Bridging Nano- to
Nowadays, the long-term durability and performances of concrete structures, es-
pecially under aggressive conditions, are now critical aspects of architectural de-
sign especially considering the growing necessity to build sustainable structures
based upon more sustainable resources. Therefore, modeling or numerical simula-
tions becomes increasingly helpful and valuable tool in order to forecast micro-
structure development from the early age until its maturity after many months or
years. For this reason, knowledge about cement hydration kinetics is primordial
for forecasting its performances. Consequently, it is desirable to model the cement
structure evolution only with the cement phase composition and the grain size dis-
tribution. This point is basically the key and certainly the most difficult to realize
due to the complexity of cement chemical reactions. For the moment, to the best
of our knowledge, no current model is able to obtain a cement structure evolution
without any fitting parameters. The best present methods are getting closer and
closer to elucidating the elementary physico-chemical processes. For more than a