178 M. Kutschera, L. Nicoleau, and M. Bräu
Proven traces of cement production and usage go back to the Roman age where
the so called Opus Caementicium was used as a recipe for the inside of brick-
faced or solid concrete buildings. The Romans also used aggregates and different
hydraulic binder systems (lime, pozzolans, cement) to form lime mortars, struc-
tural mortars, underwater mortars and concrete [Vitruvius, 25].
Modern cement development started some 200 years ago. In 1817 Louis Vicat a
French engineer invented an artificial cement called white gold. This finding was
superseded in 1824 when Joseph Aspdin who was a master craftsman for masonry
in Leeds (England) filed a patent called “an improvement in the mode of produc-
ing an artificial stone”. This so called ordinary Portland cement (OPC) mainly
consists of calcium silicates with the most prominent modifications tricalcium sili-
cate (Alite) and dicalcium silicate (Belite) among aluminates, ferrites and many
more components and impurities. For Portland cement the production consists of a
calcination (de-carbonization) process in a rotary kiln. Raw materials are among
others limestone and clays. Due to the high temperatures needed for calcination
(approx. 1400°C) optimizing the production with respect to a decreased energy
demand, management of the energy source used as well as use of secondary en-
ergy carriers (e.g. plastic waste or tires) were important tasks in modern cement
production. CO
emission is still a major future challenge for cement producers.
From a scientific view it is valid to treat cement and gypsum within one com-
mon scope. In a physico-chemical sense both raw materials dissolve in contact
with water leading to a very high local supersaturation with respect to calcium-
silicate-hydrates or calcium-sulfate-hydrates respectively. This is due to the fact
that hydrated species have a lower solubility when compared to the not hydrated
ones. The following precipitation process is therefore running highly thermody-
namically unbalanced. But also complex kinetics like supply of fresh ions, forma-
tion of critical nuclei and self-passivation play an active role during the hardening
process. In addition both materials undergo some transitions from amorphous pre-
cursors to intermediate and final crystalline structures. A detailed description of
these reactions will be given in chapter 2 for cement and gypsum.
In the view of nano-technology (hardened) cement itself without any modifica-
tions is clearly a nano-material. It has a hierarchical structure ranging from sub-
millimeter dimensions down to nanometer scale. And it is known that a lot of its
material properties strongly depend on the structures and the structure develop-
ment below 100nm [Taylor 1997]. Examples are rheological behavior in liquid
state, shrinkage during hardening as well as the development of the final compres-
sive and flexural strength. Things are not so clear for gypsum. Here the
O crystals are well in the µm range. On the other hand the mechanical
properties of gypsum depend on the cohesion between these crystallites. This can
be easily seen by the decrease of mechanical strength upon humidity or wetting of
gypsum specimens [Tesarek et al 2004; McGowan 2007]. Theses cohesion forces
again very much depend on Van der Waals forces, inner surface structure match-
ing and roughness on nanometer scale. Therefore cement and gypsum are by na-
ture a nanostructured material with complex hierarchical super and sub-structures.