46 Biophysics DemystifieD
states available to the nuclei; this is what makes it possible to measure the
absorption and emission of EM by the nuclei in the sample.
NMR uses EM in the radio frequency (RF) portion of the spectrum (whereas,
for example, absorption and fluorescent spectroscopy typically rely on EM
in ultraviolet, visible, and infrared regions of the EM spectrum).
NMR works on the basic principle that a spinning charge (such as the nucleus
of an atom) generates a magnetic field. In other words the nucleus is like a small
magnet. Under normal conditions, the spins of the various nuclei are randomly
oriented in any direction. However, under the influence of a strong magnetic field
the nuclear spins are constrained to only certain orientations with respect to the
external magnetic field (typically parallel and antiparallel to the magnetic field).
When a nucleus jumps from one spin orientation to another, it will absorb or
emit EM radiation. The frequency of this EM radiation will be proportional to
the energy difference between the two spin states. By scanning the EM spectrum,
we can find all the specific frequencies at which the nuclei are absorbing and
emitting radiation, and thus determine all the energy differences between spin
states. Each of these energy differences depends on the strength of the magnetic
field in the local region of the molecule surrounding the nucleus. Nuclei that are
shielded by electrons and other atoms will experience less of the applied mag-
netic field, so the energy difference between their spin states will be smaller. The
smaller energy difference between spin states means that these nuclei will reso-
nate with lower frequencies (less energy) of EM. On the other hand, the nuclei
that are less shielded by electrons and other atoms will be more exposed to the
magnetic field. These nuclei resonate with higher-frequency EM. Therefore, by
observing which frequencies of light are absorbed and emitted as a result of the
magnetic field, we can infer structural information about molecules.
Electron Microscopy
The most powerful light microscopes provide only enough magnification to view
objects larger than 200 nm. This limitation is due to the wavelength of visible
light. In 1928 physicist Ernst Ruska was experimenting with magnetic lenses for
focusing electron beams and realized that it was possible to take advantage of the
smaller wavelength of electrons to create an imaging device theoretically capable
of greater magnification than a light microscope. In 1931 Ruska and fellow engi-
neer Max Knoll built the first electron microscope. Although it was no more
powerful than a light microscope, they had proved the concept of using focused