374 Biophysics DemystifieD
dipole forces, 117–125, 208–209, 208f
dipole moment, 117, 118, 118f, 208
dipole-dipole forces, 120–123, 122f
disaccharide, 149
diseases, 28
disorder, 67–68, 71
dispersion forces, 130–131, 135, 272
cholesterol and, 276–277
potential energy and, 131f
dispersion forces and, 131f
distance, 61, 115
in charge-dipole forces, 118, 119
dipole-dipole forces and, 122
potential energy and, 131f
Boltzmann, 93–101
of energy, 79–93, 79f, 80f, 81f, 84t, 86f, 87f, 88f, 88t,
90t, 91f, 92f
most probable, 80
disulfide bonds, 207–208, 208f
DNA. See deoxyribonucleic acid
double bonds, 143, 152, 272
double helix, 5, 19f, 44f, 109, 161, 222–231, 224t, 225f
bending and, 226
curved, 227, 227f
double membrane, 187
double-stranded DNA, 232
double-stranded polymers, 161
eddies, 303
electric dipole, 117
electrical potential, 17–18
electrogenic cells, 28
electromagnetic spectrum, 39–40, 45–46
electron clouds, 129f, 130f
electron microscopy, 46–47
electronegativity, 127, 128, 133
electrons, 107–108
electrophysiology, 28
electroreceptive cells, 28
endocytosis, 180, 180f, 184, 189, 289
endomembrane system, 188–189, 188f
endoplasmic reticulum (ER), 186–187, 186f, 266
energy, 55–73. See also specific energy types
bioenergetics and, 19–20
biomolecules and, 114
carbon dioxide and, 3
cell cycle and, 193
degenerate level of, 99
distribution of, 79–93, 79f, 80f, 81f, 84t, 86f, 87f, 88f,
88t, 90t, 91f, 92f
energy (Cont.):
DNA unwinding and, 246–247
force and, 105
Gibbs energy and, 70
kinetics and, 21
levels, 99–100
nucleotides as, 167–169
path of, 21–22
pyrophosphate bonds and, 283
states, 99–100
thermodynamics and, 55–70
enthalpy, 60–65
ATP and, 283
DNA melting and, 237
heat capacity and, 250–251
stacking interactions and, 242
enthalpy driven, 71
entropy, 65–68
cooperativity and, 241–242
disorder and, 67–68
DNA melting and, 237, 249
Gibbs energy and, 70, 246, 268
hydrogen bonds and, 268
hydrophilic interactions and, 135
hydrophobic interactions and, 132
nonpolar amino acid chains and, 206
environmental bioengineering, 30
environmental biophysics, 29–30
enzymes, 157, 209
ER. See endoplasmic reticulum
esters, 153
eukaryotic cells, 176–178, 177f, 178t, 183f, 187
excitable tissue, 28
exocytosis, 180, 180f
of neurotransmitters, 289–290, 290f
vesicles and, 189
experiment design, 75–106
expression, by DNA, 165
extrusion, 287, 288f
fatty acids, 151f, 152
first law of thermodynamics, 20, 56–59
flagella, 24, 25f
fluid mosaic model, 273–274, 274f
fluorescence spectroscopy, 42
fluorescent tagging, 42
fluorophore, 42
folded membranes, 186, 189
folded proteins, 127, 198–204, 207f,
folding moderators, 198