Traditional techniques employed both for harvesting biomass and feedstock clarification
are centrifugation and filtration.
Centrifugation might need to be undertaken twice, while
an additional depth or microfiltration step is commonly included to ensure a particle-free
(99–99.9% in terms of cell clearance) solution which can be fractionated by traditional
packed-bed chromatography. Although filtration has been applied successfully in numerous
solid–liquid operations, performance is usually diminished as a result of membrane fouling
(for example by cells, cell debris, lipids and nucleic acids) during operation.
In addition,
combined centrifugation and filtration operations often result in long processing times.
Furthermore, it has been noted that the presence of large amounts of insoluble and highly vis-
cous materials (for example cells, cells debris and long chain genomic DNA) in the process
feedstock can further restrict the clarification performance. This problem is especially critical
in the case of a cell disruptate, which results in the generation of cell debris, colloidal materi-
als and the release of large amounts of intracellular products.
A rapid method of product
capture of the target protein is therefore preferred because the time taken to remove partic-
ulates can promote denaturation due to process conditions that are detrimental to structural
integrity, for example the action of proteases, carbohydrates or oxidising conditions. Thus, it
is obvious that the development of fast and cost-effective primary recovery steps form the basis
for a successful downstream process, especially in the production of intracellular proteins.
Fluidised bed adsorption (FBA) has emerged as an efficient recovery method proven to
have significant advantages over conventional procedural sequences, for example discrete
feedstock clarification followed by fixed-bed adsorption of the product. In fluidised beds,
liquid is pumped upwards through a bed of adsorbent beads which, in contrast to a packed
bed, are not constrained by an upper flow adapter. Thus, the bed can expand and spaces
open up between the adsorbent beads. The increased voidage of the bed allows particulates
in the feed to pass freely through the spaces without entrapment (see Figure 17.3). Thus,
the need for prior removal of cells and/or debris is eliminated. After the adsorption stage,
the remaining feedstock and particulates are washed from the adsorbent bed and the product
is subsequently eluted either in fluidised or packed-bed mode. As a consequence, clarification,
concentration and initial fractionation are combined in one unit operation and thus fluidised
beds exhibit great potential for simplifying downstream processes with concomitant savings
in capital and operating costs.
Fluidised beds have been used previously for the industrial-scale recovery of the antibio-
tics streptomycin and novobiocin.
However, more recently, considerable interest has been
shown in the use of fluidised beds for the direct extraction of proteins from whole fermen-
tation broths.
In a packed bed, the adsorbent particles are packed within the contactor.
The voidage, that is, the inter-particle space, is minimal and thus feedstock clarification is
mandatory to avoid clogging of the bed. In a fluidised/expanded bed, the adsorbent bed is
allowed to expand by irrigation with feedstock. Bed voidage is increased, allowing the pas-
sage of particulates in the feed. The diameters of the adsorbent beads are exaggerated for
illustrative clarity.
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