Circular helix (colored) on cylinder
grees, the helix collapses into a circle. On
the other hand, if you stretch the helix
until angle
becomes zero, the helix is
transformed into a straight line. If parallel
rays of light shine perpendicularly on a
wall, a circular helix held before the wall
with its axis parallel to the rays will cast
on the wall a shadow that is a single circle.
If the helix is held at right angles to the
rays, the shadow is a sine curve. Other kinds
of projections produce the cycloid and other
familiar curves.
Every helix, circular or otherwise, is an
asymmetric space curve that differs from
its mirror image. We shall use the term
"right-handed" for the helix that coils clock-
wise as it "goes away," in the manner of an
ordinary wood screw or a corkscrew. Hold
such a corkscrew up to a mirror and you
will see that its reflection, in the words of
Lewis Carroll's Alice, "goes the other way."
The reflection is a left-handed corkscrew.
Such a corkscrew actually can be bought as
a practical joke. So unaccustomed are we to
left-handed screw threads that a victim may
struggle for several minutes with such a
corkscrew before he realizes that he has to
turn it counterclockwise to make it work.
Aside from screws, bolts, and nuts, which
are (except for special purposes) standard-
ized as right-handed helices, most man-
made helical structures come in both right
and left forms: candy canes, circular stair-
cases, rope and cable made of twisted
strands, and so on. The same variations in
handedness are found in conical helices
(curves that spiral around cones), including
bedsprings and spiral ramps such as the
inverted conical ramp in Frank Lloyd
Wright's Guggenheim Museum in New
York City.
Not so in nature! Helical structures
abound in living forms, from the simplest
virus to parts of the human body, and in
almost every case the genetic code carries
information that tells each helix precisely
"which way to go." The genetic code it-
self, as everyone now knows, is carried by