XIII Introduction 899
As we have already seen in the case of a region of flow with a compact bound-
ary, in the case at hand in order to guarantee the existence of a solution it is
enough to prove an a priori estimate for the Dirichlet integral of u. Moreover,
again as in the case of a compact boundary (cf. Sections VII.4 and IX.4), to
show existence without restrictions on |Φ|, we have to show that, for each
α > 0 there is a flux carrier a = a(Φ; α) such that
u · ∇a · u ≤ α|u|
, for all u ∈ D(Ω). (XIII.0.2)
However, if the exits Ω
are cylindrical (or, more generally, have bounded cross
section) the existence of flux carriers satisfying (XIII.0.2) is not yet known.
Nevertheless, one can construct, in such a case, fields a verifying the following
u · ∇a · u
≤ c|Φ||u|
, for all u ∈ D(Ω),
for some c = c(Ω, n). The consequence of this fact is that, unlike the linear
case, so far, one is able to produce existence of solutions to Leray’s problem
only for small values of |Φ| (compared to the coefficient of kinematical viscosity
ν). The question of whether Leray’s problem is solvable for any value of the
flux therefore remains open. On the other ha nd, if the outlets Ω
a semi-infinite cone, Ladyzhenskaya & Solonnikov (1 977) have shown that
there are vector fields a verifying condition (XIII.0.2) and, as a consequence,
for domains with this type of outl ets it is p ossible to show existence “in the
large,” that is, for arbitrary values of the flux Φ. Thus, in particular, this kind
of existence holds for an “aperture domain. ”
Once a solution has been determined, the next task is to investigate its
asymptotic structure. In the case of Leray’s problem, one shows that, agai n if
|Φ| is sufficiently small, all generali zed solutions (together with their deriva-
tives of arbitrary o rder) must tend to the corresponding Poiseuille velocity
field exponentially fast. Similarly, for Heywood’s problem, one is able to give
a detailed asymptotic expansion, which resembles that given for the linear
case, provided |Φ| is sufficiently small . If these problems can be solved for
arbitrary values of the flux, it remai ns an open question.
Another point tha t we would like to emphasize is the two-dimensional
version of the flow through an aperture. The situation is in a sense simil ar
to the plane exterior flow which we have analyzed in the preceding chapter.
Specifically, in the case at hand we can prove, with no restriction on the flux,
existence of vector fields v which solve the momentum equation, satisfy the
flux and bo unda ry conditions and such that
∇v : ∇v < ∞. (XIII.0.3)
It is likely that in the case of the (three-dimensional) aperture flow the restriction
on Φ can be removed, but no proof is known.