XII Introduction 799
of bounded support, every v satisfying (XII.0.1) for a suitable pressure p, and
(XII.0.3 ), either converges at large distances, in a well-defined sense, to some
constant vector v
, or that the L
-norm of v over the unit circle approaches
infinity at large distances. However, they can not show that v
= −v
. If
≡ f ≡ 0, Amick (1988) has proved that v ∈ L
(Ω). Nevertheless, also i n
such a case, one cannot infer that v
= −v
if v
6= 0 and, wha t perhaps
is more surprising, if v
= 0, one is able to conclude that v ≡ 0 only in the
special situation where Ω = R
At this point we may wonder if we could prove existence by means of
different techniques, such as a fixed po int argument. This problem, which was
first considered by Finn & Smith (196 7b), is in fact solvable when the velocity
field v
is not zero and the data are sufficiently sm all; see Section XII.5. It
is interesting to observe that the corresponding solutions obey, in particular,
condition (XII.0.3). It should also be empha sized that if v
= 0, the above
techniques do not work and so it is no t known whether (XII.0.1), (XII.0.2)
with v
= 0 is resoluble, even for small data.
The reason for this unequal
result i s essentially due to the fact that the approach followed is based on
fixed point arguments that rely on linearized versions of (XII.0.1), (XII.0.2).
As we know from Chapters V and VII, the linearization when v
6= 0 (Oseen
system) produces solutions that, in the neighborho od of infinity, are more
regular than those corresponding to the linearization when v
= 0 (Stokes
system). In this respect, we recall that a simila r circumstance occurs also for
three-dimensional flows.
In view of all the above, it is natural to ask whether (XII.0.1)–(XII.0 .2)
may indeed admit a solution for data of arbitrary si ze. This question has
been investigated by Galdi (1999b) for the physically relevant problem where
≡ f ≡ 0, which, as we noted previously, describes the motion of the liquid
past a sufficiently long cylinder. In such a case the data are represented by
the translational velocity of the cylinder that, in dimensionless form, is given
by Re
(assuming v
). Let us call P this parti cular problem. “Arbitrary
data” for P means then “arbitrary speed” of the cylinder, namely, any R > 0.
Galdi has shown tha t if Ω possesses an axis of symmetry (e.g., Ω is the exterior
of a circle) then, if there exists R > 0 such that for all R ≥ R problem P
has no solution in a very general regularity class, the homogeneous problem
obtained by setting in (XII.0.1)–(XII.0.2) v
≡ f ≡ v
≡ 0, and R = 1
must admit a non-zero solution, a fact that is very questionable on physical
grounds; see Section XII.6.
Another question that arises is the asymptotic structure of a field v satis-
fying (XII.0.1)–(XII.0.3), for suitable p. One may expect that v can be rep-
resented asymptotically by an expansion in “reasonable” functions of r ≡ | x|
with coefficients independent of r. However, if v
= 0, not every such solution
can be represented in this way, for one can exhibit examples, due to Hamel,
of solutions to (XII.0.1), (XII. 0.2) with v
= 0 that obey (XII.0.3) and decay
See, however, the Notes for this Chapter for some partial results.