IX.3 Existence and Uniqueness with Homogeneous Boundary Data 597
Thus, (IX.3.1) follows with M ≡ |f|
. We wish to point out the remark-
able fact that (IX.3.1) and (IX.3.2) are exactly the same relations we obtain
from the linearized Stokes equations. Then it is not surprising that Fujita
(1961) and independently Vorovich & Youdovich (1961) (cf. also Vorovich &
Youdovich 1959) employed a well-known device for constructing solutions to
linear equations, i.e., the Galerkin method (cf. Galerkin 1915) along with es-
timate (IX.3.1) to show the existence of g eneralized soluti ons to the nonlinear
Navier–Stokes problem. Here we shall follow the ideas of these authors.
We begin to consider the case of homogeneous boundary conditions (v
0), while in the next section we will handle the more general no nhomogeneous
case. However, we need some preparatory results. The first concerns the zeros
of continuous mapping s of R
into itself which generalizes to the case m > 1,
the well-known fact that a real continuous function that attains values of
opposite signs at the endpoints of an interval must then vanish at some interior
point. Specifically, we have (see, e.g., Lions 1969, Lemme 4. 3, p. 53):
Lemma IX.3.1 Let P be a continuous function of R
, m ≥ 1, into itself
such that for some ρ > 0
P (ξ) · ξ ≥ 0 for all ξ ∈ R
with |ξ| = ρ.
Then there exi sts ξ
∈ R
with |ξ
| ≤ ρ such that P (ξ
) = 0.
Proof. Assume, per absurdum, P (ξ) 6= 0 for a ll ξ belonging to the closed ball
of R
of radius ρ and centered at the origin. The map
Π : ξ → −P (ξ)
|P (ξ)|
is then continuous and goes from B
into B
. By the Brouwer theorem (see,
e.g., Kantorovich & Akilov 1964, Lemma 5, p. 639) we then obtain that the
map Π has a fixed point ξ, i.e.,
ξ = −P (ξ)
|P (ξ)|
, |ξ| = ρ.
Dotting both sides of this relation by P (ξ) yields
P (ξ) · ξ = −ρ|P (ξ)| < 0
contradicting the assumption. ut
The lemma just shown allows us to prove a general existence result con-
cerning certain algebraic systems.
In fact, a proof of Lemma IX.3.1 can already be found in Miranda (1940), where it
is also shown that the lemma is equivalent to Brouwer’s fixed point theorem. (For
this latter, see, e.g., Kantorovich & Akilov 1964, Lemma 5, p. 639).) I would like
to thank Professor P.N. Srikanth for bringing Miranda’s paper to my attention.