VIII.9 Notes for the Chapter 579
R 6= 0 by Kraˇcmar, Neˇcasov´a, & Penel (2006 ). See also Kraˇcmar, Neˇcasov´a,
& Penel (2 005, 2007, 201 0).
Weak solutions in Lorentz spaces have been studied by Farwig & Hishida
(2007) when R = 0. Their results are the analogous counterpart, for T 6= 0,
of those obtained by Kozono & Yamazaki (1998 ) for the Stokes problem. In
fact, they reduce to these latter when T = 0.
As we mentioned in the Introduction, there has been very little contribu-
tion to the study of the generalized Oseen problem for n = 2. As a matter of
fact, in two dimensions, the problem of existence of generalized solutions is
either rather well known or very complicated. Actually, because of n = 2, we
have to restrict ourselves to the case in which the angular velocity ω is per-
pendicular to the plane, Π, that contains the relevant region of motion of the
liquid. However, the translational velocity v
must belong to Π and therefore
is orthogonal to ω. Now, if ω = 0, we go back to the Oseen problem already
treated in great detail and solved in the previous chapter. If, however, ω 6= 0,
the Mozzi–Chasles transformation reduces the problem, formally, to the study
of (VIII.0.7), (VIII.0.2) with R = 0 and with v = (v
, x
), v
, x
p = p(x
, x
). For this latter, using the same method employed in the proof of
Theorem VIII.1.2, one can prove the existence of a vector field v ∈ D
that satisfies (VIII.1.1) (with R = 0) along with properties (ii) and (iii) of
Definition VIII.1.1. However, as in the analogous Stokes problem considered
in Chapter V, with this informa tion alone one cannot ensure that the velocity
field tends (even in a weak sense) to a prescribed limit at infinity. In other
words, one cannot exclude the occurrence of a “Stokes paradox.” It is inter-
esting to observe that, in the case that Ω is the exterior of a circle and f ≡ 0,
= e
× x, the problem has the explicit solution given in (V.0.8) (with
ω ≡ e
). This fact would suggest that a solution might exi sts also when Ω is
a more general (sufficiently smooth) exterior domain and with more general
data, possibly satisfying a suitable compatibility conditi on, but no proof is,
to da te, available. We end these considerations by mentioning the paper by
Farwig, Krbec, & Neˇcasov´a (2008) in which existence is investigated in the
case Ω = R
Section VIII.2. All main results and, in particular, the uniqueness Theorem
VIII.2.1 are due to me. Seeming ly, this is the first (and only one, to my
knowledge) uniqueness theorem of generalized solutions i n their own class.
The main tool is the proof that the pressure possesses suitable summability
properties in a neighborhood of infinity (see Lemma VIII.2.2).
The “regularization” result for generalized solutions obtained in Lemma
VIII.2.1 is also new. However, the existence of a generalized solution satisfying
the properties stated in Lemma VIII.2.1, including the estimate (VIII.2.3),
can also be proved by the method of “invading domains” adopted by Sil vestre
Section VIII.3. The pro ofs of the main results (Lemma VIII.3.1 , Lemma
VIII.3.4, and Lemma VIII.3.6 ) are taken (and expanded) from the work of