136 II Basic Function Spaces and Related Inequalities
Results contained in Exercise II.6. 3 generali ze part of those establi shed by
i (1961, Lemma 1), and for q = n = 2 they coincide with those of
Gilbarg & Weinberger (1978, Lemma 2.1).
Inequality (II.6.20) with q = 2 and n = 3 i s due to Finn (1965a, Corollary
2.2a); see also Birman & Solomjak (1974, Lemma 2.19) and Padula (1984,
Lemma 1), while (II.6.22) for n = 3 and q ∈ (1, 3) is proved by Galdi &
Maremonti (1986, Lemma 1.3). Theorem II.6.1, i n its generality, is due to me.
The inequality in Theorem II.6.5 is due to Simader and Sohr (1997, Lemma
Section I I.7. The problem of approximatio n of functions from D
(Ω) when
Ω = R
with functions of bounded support was first considered by Sobolev
(1963b). In this section we closely follow Sobolev’s ideas to generalize his
results to more general domains Ω. In this connection, we refer the reader
also to the papers of Besov (1967, 1969) and Burenkov (1976).
The elementary proof of the Hardy-type inequality (II.6.10), (II.6.13) and
(II.6.14) presented here and ba sed on the use of the “auxiliary” function g
was presented for the first time in Galdi (1994a, §2.5). The same approach
was successively rediscovered by Mitidieri (2000).
Section II.8. A slightly weaker version of Theorem II.8.2, with a different
proof, can be found in Kozono & Sohr (1991, Lemma 2.2).
The proof of the unique solvability of the Dirichlet problem (I I.8.17) in the
case Ω = R
, R
is a simple consequence of Exercise II.11.9(ii) and Remark
II.11.3. In the case Ω bounded and of class C
, a proof was g iven for the
first time by Schechter (1963a, Corollary 5.2). A different proof that requires
domains only of class C
was later provided by Simader (1972). If Ω is an
exterior domai n of class C
, a thorough analysis of the problem can be found
in Simader & Sohr (1997, Chapter I). In particular, for n ≥ 3, the analy sis of
these authors shows that the problem (II.8.17) has a nonzero one-dimensional
null set, if q
≥ n. In other words, there exists one and only one non-zero har-
moni c function h ∈ D
(Ω), satisfying a normalization condition
= 1,
for some fixed R > δ(Ω)
. For instance, if Ω is the exterior of the unit ball
in R
, we have h(x) = c(|x|
− 1), for a suitable choice of the constant c
depending on R. Consequently, the map M defined in (II.8.19)–(II.8.20) is not
surjective if q
∈ (1, n/(n − 1)] and not injective if q
∈ [n, ∞).
Section II.9. Results simila r to those derived in Theorem II.9.1, i n the gen-
eral context of spaces D
, m ≥ 1, have been shown by Mizuta (1989).
Estimate (II.9.5) is o f a particular interest since, as we shall see i n Chapter X,
it permits us to derive at once an imp ortant asymptotic estimate fo r solutions
to the steady, two-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations in exterior domains
having velocity fields with bounded Dirichlet integrals.
Section II.10. The case 1 ≤ q < n in Theorem II.10.1 is due to me.
Section II.11. If in the Sobolev Theorem II.11.3 one considers the function