References 111
8.4 Discussion
Compound (Type II) superconductors show all of the major superconducting prop-
erties found in elemental (Type I) superconductors. The superconducting state is
characterized by the presence of a supercondensate, and the superconducting tran-
sition is a B-E condensation of pairons. We may assume the same generalized BCS
Hamiltonian and derive all properties based on this Hamiltonian. From its lattice
structure, a compound conductor provides a medium in which optical phonons as
well as acoustic phonons are created and annihilated. It is most likely to have two or
more sheets of the Fermi surface; one of the sheets is “electron”-like (of a negative
curvature) and the other “hole”-like. If other conditions are right, a superconden-
sate may be formed from “electrons” and “holes” on the different Fermi-surface
sheets mediated by optical phonons. Pair-creation and pair-annihilation of ±pairons
can be done only by an optical phonon having a momentum (magnitude) greater
than times the minimum k-distance between “electron” and “hole” Fermi-surface
sheets. Then, acoustic phonons of small k-vectors will not do the intermediary. (See
Section 12.3 where a 2D analogue is discussed and demonstrated). Attraction by
exchange of optical phonons having a quadratic energy-momentum relation [see
Equations (8.9) and (8.11)] is short-ranged just as the internucleon attraction by the
exchange of a massive π-meson is short-ranged as shown by Yukawa [9]. Hence
the pairon size should be on the order of the lattice constant (2
A) or greater. In fact,
compound superconductors have correlation lengths of the order 50
A, much shorter
than the penetration depths ∼500
A. They are therefore type II superconductors.
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