where c stands for the velocity of sound. We typically obtain
Dp MPa=150
water, i.e. the same order of magnitude as the pressure wave amplitude. The
duration of the pressure pulse is fixed by the jet diameter d and is of the order of
d/2c. For a bubble of 1 mm initial diameter, the jet diameter is about 0.1 mm, which
leads to a very small value for the duration of the pressure pulse, i.e. about 0.03 ms.
Thus, it appears that both hydrodynamic mechanisms –the shock wave and the
microjet– give rise to high pressure pulses, with the same order of magnitude as
the yield strength of usual metals. Attention has also to be paid to the pulse duration,
since the transfer of energy from the liquid to the solid requires a minimum time to
happen. From this point of view, the pressure wave and the microjet issued from
the collapse of an isolated bubble are of very short duration. The value will however
increase with the bubble size.
Collective effects occur with the collapse of a cloud of bubbles. In vibratory devices
for example, the rapid oscillation of a small specimen in the liquid simultaneously
generates many bubbles which collapse together near the specimen.
Collective collapse is also observed following the initial collapse of a single bubble
close to a solid wall. The microjet which pierces the bubble leads to the formation
of a vapor torus. This torus often splits into several smaller bubbles which undergo
a subsequent collective collapse.
Collective collapses are typically characterized by cascades of implosions [T
& SHIMA 1986, ALLONCLE et al. 1992, PHILIPP & LAUTERBORN 1998]. The pressure
wave emitted by the collapse and rebound of a particular bubble tends to enhance
the collapse velocities of the neighboring bubbles, thus increasing the amplitude of
their own pressure waves.
The collapse of a cloud of bubbles, as formed by the periodic break-up of a sheet
cavity, was also studied by REISMAN, WANG and BRENNEN (1998). Depending upon
the characteristics of the cloud, they showed that the shock wave which propagates
inward may strengthen considerably near the cloud centre because of geometric
focusing and so enhance the erosive potential.
Cavitating vortices appear in shear flows (such as submerged jets and the wakes of
bluff bodies) and also at the rear of partial cavities which shed cavitating vortical
structures (see chap. 11 and 7 respectively). These appear to be responsible for
severe erosion in fluid machinery, as described by O
BA (1994).
Some test devices are based upon the repetitive axial collapse of a cavitating vortex,
such as the vortex generator (L
ECOFFRE et al. 1981, AVELLAN & FARHAT 1989; see