In the near wake, whose length is about 0.7 d (d denotes the wedge base), small-
scale vortices are periodically shed in the two shear layers which originate in the
wedge trailing edges. These vortices are comparable to the ring vortices observed
by K
ERMEEN and PARKIN in the wakes of discs (see § 11.2.1). They result from a
ELVIN-HELMHOLTZ instability.
The far wake is made up of the classical 2D B
ÉNARD-KÁRMÁN vortices. They are
connected together by streamwise 3D vortex filaments which were described, under
non-cavitating conditions, by T
OWNSEND (1979), MUMFORD (1983), LASHERAS et al.
(1986) and L
ASHERAS & CHOI (1988), among many others.
Between the near wake and the far wake, a transition region is observed which, in
most cases, is made up of a two-phase mixture. In this region, the 2D small scale
vortices of the near wake give rise to the large scale 2D B
ÉNARD-KÁRMÁN vortices.
The far wake begins at a distance from the trailing edges of the wedge which varies
between 0.9 d, when cavitation is moderately developed, up to 4.4 d for small values
of the cavitation parameter. Such estimates were also found by R
ALACHANDAR (1990) in their study of the near wakes of cavitating bluff bodies.
There is abundant literature devoted either to the B
ÉNARD-KÁRMÁN primary vortices
or to the three-dimensional streamwise vortices in wakes or jets at moderate and
high R
EYNOLDS numbers. Therefore, we will essentially focus here on the changes
brought about by the development of cavitation.
The shedding frequency of the BÉNARD-KÁRMÁN vortices is strongly affected by the
development of cavitation. The S
TROUHAL number can exceed its value in the non-
cavitating regime by 30% (fig. 11.6). Thus, cavitation has an important influence
upon the dynamics of B
ÉNARD-KÁRMÁN vortices.
The existence of the maximum in the curve S(s
) is well established and was reported
by Y
OUNG & HOLL (1966), FRANC (1982) and RAMAMURTHY & BALACHANDAR (1990).
For high values of s
, the STROUHAL number approaches a constant value which
characterizes the non-cavitating flow at the considered R
EYNOLDS number.
The geometry of the vortex street is also drastically changed by the development of
cavitation. For low values of the cavitation number, the distance between the two
rows decreases by about 80% in comparison with the non-cavitating case (fig. 11.7),
so that the counter-rotating B
ÉNARD-KÁRMÁN vortices appear almost lined up when
cavitation is sufficiently developed. This vortex street narrowing is connected to a
transformation of the structure of the cavitating cores, which change from a two-
phase mixture to a more vaporous core as cavitation develops.