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different bacteria. Utilizing the production and secretion of certain
signalling molecules, QS serves as a communication network that
allows bacteria to coordinate their activities based on the local
density of their population. A recent study by Liu et al. (1) pro-
vides the first evidence that Pba uses QS to target host defences
simultaneously with a physical attack on the plant cell wall.
Moreover, Liu et al. (1) demonstrate that a wide range of previ-
ously known and unknown virulence regulators lie within the QS
regulon, revealing it to be the master regulator of virulence. The
objective of the present study is to shed further light on the QS
regulatory mechanism by applying current methods from multi-
variate statistics and machine learning to reconstruct putative
gene regulatory networks from gene expression profiles obtained
from wild-type and various knockout strains.
Mutated bacterial strains were generated via transposon muta-
genesis. Transposons are relatively short pieces of mobile DNA
that can insert into pieces of DNA within a genome. Transposon
mutagenesis is a process that allows transposons to be transferred
to a host organism’s chromosome. This is accomplished by way of
a plasmid from which a transposon is extracted and inserted into
the host chromosome. The insertion can result in the interrup-
tion or modification of the function of an extant gene on the
chromosome, effectively creating a mutant knockout strain. In
the present study, nine mutant Pba strains were generated, where
the following genes were knocked out: expM, hor, hrpL, expI,
expR, aepA, virR, and virS. Additionally, a double mutation event
was induced, where both virR and expI were knocked out. For
further details and an exact specification of the experimental
protocol, see ref. (1).
Wild-type and mutant Pba strains were grown in a nutrient broth to
stationary phase, and then used to inoculate sterilized potato tubers.
At 12 h postinoculation, the bacterial cells were isolated from the
tuber by scraping infected tissue into sterilised water. RNA was iso-
lated by following the protocol described in Liu et al. (1), then
reverse transcribed and cDNA labelled. 60-Mer oligonucleotide
probes were designed to Pba-coding sequences and used, together
with controls, to generate 11K custom arrays with 99.5% genome
coverage (Agilent, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA). All microarray
experiments were carried out in triplicate, for each of the eight single
Pba knockout mutants in expM, hor, hrpL, expI, expR, aepA, virR,
and virS, and the double knockout mutant in virR/expI, to obtain
relative gene expression levels with respect to Pba wild-type.
2. Material
2.1. Gene Knockout via
2.2. Genome-Wide
Profiling with