19.10 Ruled Surfaces and Developables 361
and vice versa.
As earlier, let y be a point on Dupin's indicatrix at a point x. Let y denote its
tangent direction at y. The direction y is called conjugate to the direction x from
to y. Consider two surface curves
and 02(^2) ^hat have tangent directions
xi and
at x. Some elementary calculations yield that x^ is conjugate to
Liiiiii + M(^iz>2 + ^2^1) +
= 0.
Note that this expression is symmetric in u^,
By definition asymptotic direc-
tions are self-conjugate.
Remark 12 Isoparametric curves of a surface are conjugate if M = 0 and vice versa.
Remark 15 The principal directions, defined by (19.9), are orthogonal and conjugate; they
bisect the angles between the asymptotic directions; that is, they are the axis
directions of Dupin's indicatrix (see Figure 19.10).
Remark 14 The tangent planes of two "consecutive" points on a surface curve intersect in a
straight line s. Let the curve have direction t at a point x on the surface. Then s
and t are conjugate to each other. In particular, if t is an asymptotic direction, s
coincides with t. If t is one of the principal directions at x, then s is orthogonal to
t and vice versa. These properties characterize lines of curvature and asymptotic
lines and may be used to define them geometrically.
19.10 Ruled Surfaces and Developables
If a surface contains a family of straight lines, it is called a ruled surface. It is
convenient to use these straight lines as one family of isoparametric lines. Then
the ruled surface may be written
x = x(t,v)=p(t)-\-vq(t),
where p is a point and q is a vector, both depending on t. The isoparametric lines
t = const are called the generatrices of the surface; see Figure 19.12.
The partials of a ruled surface are given by
= p + i^q and
= q. The normal
n at
is given by
n =
(p + t^q)
||(p + i/q)Aq||
A point y on the tangent plane at x satisfies
det[y - p, p, q] + zydet[y - p, q, q] = 0;