344 Chapter 18 Practical Aspects ofBezier Triangles
The first-order data that this interpolant requires are position and gradient
value at the vertices of the macro-triangle plus some cross-boundary derivative
at the midpoint of each edge. The prescribed cross-boundary derivative could
be in any direction not parallel to its edge; but since adjacent macro-triangles
should share the same data along the common edge, it is most natural to choose
the direction perpendicular to that edge. We then speak of a cross-boundary
normal derivative.
In summary, we have 12 data per macro-triangle. It is easily seen that inter-
polation to this data produces a globally C^ surface if cubic polynomials are
employed over each mini-triangle.
We shall nov^ turn to the description of the actual interpolant; w^e refer to
Figure 18.6. The Bezier ordinates of the three boundary curves (marked by full
circles) are found exactly as for the nine-parameter interpolant. The next "layer"
of ordinates, marked by full circles and diamonds, is determined if v^e enforce
interpolation to the cross-boundary derivatives: the cross-boundary derivative,
evaluated along an edge, is a univariate quadratic polynomial. It can be v^ritten
as a univariate Bezier polynomial with three coefficients according to (17.19).
The first and last of the three coefficients is determined by the gradients at the
vertices, the center one as well by the cross-boundary derivative at the midpoints
of that edge.
We are still left with the task of specifying the ordinates marked by open cirlces
in Figure 18.6. Since the interpolant must be C^ over each macro-triangle, those
ordinates must satisfy the C^ conditions. Thus each of the three outer ordinates
of the four ones under consideration must be the average of the adjacent three
ordinates that have already been determined. Finally, the center ordinate must
be the average of the three just found.
In many applications, we will not be given the required cross-boundary deriva-
tives at the edge midpoints. The most obvious method to estimate this derivative
Figure 18.6 The Clough-Tocher interpolant: each macro-triangle is split into three mini-triangles.