Analytical and Numerical Aspects of Partial Differential Equations © de Gruyter 2009
S. N. Kruzhkov’s lectures
on first-order quasilinear PDEs
Gregory A. Chechkin and Andrey Yu. Goritsky
Abstract. The present contribution originates from short notes intended to accompany the lecturesof
Professor Stanislav Nikola
ıevich Kruzhkov given for the students of the Moscow State Lomonosov
University during the years 1994–1997. Since then, they were enriched by many exercises which
should allow the reader to assimilate more easily the contents of the lectures and to appropriate the
fundamental techniques. This text is prepared for graduate students studying PDEs, but the exposi-
tion is elementary, and no previous knowledge of PDEs is required. Yet a command of basic analysis
and ODE tools is needed. The text can also be used as an exercise book.
The lectures provide an exposition of the nonlocal theory of quasilinear partial differential equa-
tions of first order, also called conservation laws. According to S. N. Kruzhkov’s “ideology”, much
attention is paid to the motivation (from both the mathematical viewpoint and the context of applica-
tions) of each step in the development of the theory. Also the historical development of the subject
is reflected in these notes.
We consider questions of local existence of smooth solutions to Cauchy problems for linear and
quasilinear equations. We expose a detailed theory of discontinuous weak solutions to quasilinear
equations with one spatial variable. We derive the Rankine–Hugoniot condition, motivate in various
ways admissibility conditions for generalized (weak) solutions and relate the admissibility issue to
the notions of entropy and of energy. We pay special attention to the resolution of the so-called
Riemann problem. The lectures contain many original problems and exercises; many aspects of the
theory are explained by means of examples. The text is completed by an afterword showing that the
theory of conservation laws is yet full of challenging questions and awaiting for new ideas.
Keywords. first-order quasilinear PDE, characteristics, generalized solution, shock wave, rarefac-
tion wave, admissibility condition, entropy, Riemann problem.
AMS classification. 35F20, 35F25, 35L65.
Note added by the translator (NT)
— The authors, the translator and the editors made an effort to produce
a readable English text while preserving the flavour of S. N. Kruzhkov’s expression and his original way of
teaching. The reading of the lectures will surely require some effort (for instance, many comments and precisions
are given in parentheses). In some cases, we kept the original “russian” terminology (usually accompanied by
footnote remarks), either because it does not have an exact “western” counterpart, or because it was much used
in the founding works of the Soviet researchers, including S. N. Kruzhkov himself.
We hope that the reader will be recompensed for her or his effort by the vivacity of the exposition and by the
originality of the approach. Indeed, while at the mid-1990th, only few treaties on the subject of conservation
laws were available (see [20, 48, 49]), the situation changed completely in the last ten years. The textbooks and
monographs [11, 14, 22, 32, 33, 35, 47] are mainly concerned with conservation laws and systems. With respect
to the material covered, the present notes can be compared with the introductory chapters of [11, 22, 33] and with
the relevant chapters of the already classical PDE textbook [16]. Yet in the present lecture notes the exposition is
quite different, with a strong emphasis on examples and motivation of the theory.
This is a beginner’s course on conservation laws; in a sense, it stops just where the modern theory begins,
before advanced analysis techniques enter the stage. For further reading, we refer to any of the above textbooks.