44 Gregory A. Chechkin and Andrey Yu. Goritsky
Remark 5.10. If the solution contains several shock waves (i.e., several jump disconti-
nuities), then on each of the discontinuity curves the energy is lost (dissipated) accord-
ing to the inequality (5.29). (The proof of this fact is left to the reader.)
Conclusion. We see that, according to Proposition 5.7, we have E(t) = const = E(0)
on smooth solutions u = u(t, x) of the equation (5.1), up to the critical instant of time
T (the instant when singularities arise in the solutions), i.e., up to the time T there is
no dissipation of the kinetic energy; the kinetic energy stays constant on [0, T ).
However, when shock waves appear, according to (5.29), we have
< 0,
so that the kinetic energy dissipates (on a shock wave, a part of it is transformed into
heat). Consequently, the evolution of admissible generalized solutions with shock
waves is related to the decrease of the kinetic energy; this is what makes the physi-
cal processes modelled by equation (5.1) irreversible.
The readers who sometimes spend vacations at the sea are probably acquainted
with this phenomenon. Near the shore, if the sea is calm and the waves are temperate,
the sea temperature near the surface is almost the same as the air temperature above.
When the wind becomes stronger, waves become foamy, turbulent structures occur;
these “broken waves” can be seen as shock waves on the sea surface. In this case, after
some time, one can observe that the temperature of the surface layer of the sea has
become higher than the air temperature. This heating phenomenon is conditioned by
the heat production that occurs on the shock waves.
From the purely mathematical point of view, this situation stems from the fact that
equation (5.1) does not change under the simultaneous change of t into −t and of x
into −x (similarly, any of the shift transformations along the axes, namely x → x − x
or t → t − T , does not change the equation); in this case, it is said that the equation
remains invariant under the corresponding transformation. Consequently, along with
any smooth, as t < T , solution u = u(t, x) of equation (5.1), the transformed function
˜u(t, x) ≡ u(T − t, −x) will also be a smooth solution of the same equation.
The same property holds for generalized solutions (in the sense of integral equal-
ity (5.3); the admissibility condition is not required), because the identity (5.3) is in-
variant under the same transformations.
If, on the contrary, u = u(t, x) is an admissible discontinuous generalized solution
of equation (5.1), then the corresponding function ˜u will not be an admissible gen-
eralized (“entropy”) solution of the equation considered. This is because the entropy
increase condition is not invariant under the transformation which includes the time
reversal (the entropy increase condition is then replaced by the converse entropy de-
crease condition). Therefore, the simultaneous change of t into T − t and of x into
−x is not allowed in the presence of discontinuous solutions. Hence, an admissible
discontinuous generalized solution u = u(t, x) is transformed into the non-admissible
(“wrong”) discontinuous generalized solution ˜u(t, x) ≡ u(T − t, −x).