repression, and responses of
governments to crisis, xxi–xxii.
See also oppression
resistance, to administration of Ancien
Régime, 03
revolution: in administrative practices
of Ancien Régime, 0–8; Ancien
Régime and education of people
in, 66–9; dynamics of, xxiv–xxv,
xxviii; French Revolution compared
to religious forms of, 9–; and
peasant revolts in fourteenth century,
64n–; precipitants of, xvi, xx;
preconditions for and triggers of,
xv–xvi, xx, xxiv. See also American
Revolution; French Revolution;
Revolution of 848
Revolution of 848, xxvii
Richelieu, Cardinal, 99, 3, 8
rights: and grievance books of nobility,
35, 40–; modern conceptions
of contrasted to Ancien Régime,
xxvi; and seigniorial justice, 6–8.
See also equality; freedom; liberty
rivers, and feudal dues, 65
roads: and administrative centralization
in Ancien Régime, 44, 8; and
feudal dues, 65; and forced
labor by peasants, 9, 60–,
48; provincial maintenance of in
Languedoc, 90–. See also public
Rodez (town), 45
Roman law, , 9–9
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 63
Schiller, Friedrich von, 9
Scotland, and English legal system,
53, 54
“second-best” political systems, xv
serfdom: and Germany in eighteenth
century, 3–, 00–, 03;
grievance books of nobility
and abolishment of, 35, 44.
See also feudalism
servage, 6–
Shapiro, Gilbert, xiv, xxx
slavery, and grievance books of
nobility, 35
socialism: and Economists, 4–8; and
feudalism, 6; and law code of
Frederick the Great, 05
social science, The Ancien Régime and
the French Revolution as work of, xiii,
xiv, xv
society: divisions and uniformity of
during Ancien Régime, 6–9; and
isolation during Ancien Régime,
80–9; role of religion in American,
40. See also class
Soviet Union, and nonintervention in
Poland, xxii
Spanish Succession, War of, 5
Staël, Madame de, xxx
state: as overseer of convents, 5; use of
term in Frederick the Great’s code
of law, 0; in view of Economists,
46–. See also Ancien Régime
statistics, and administration under
Ancien Régime, 63
Stone, Lawrence, xv–xvi
structural analysis, The Ancien Régime
and the French Revolution as work
of, xiii
subdelegate: and administrative
centralization of Ancien Régime, 4;
and municipal government, 54, 8;
and provincial assemblies, 3
synchronic paradox, xx–xxi
syndic: appointment of by intendant,
53–4; and parish government, 5,
taille (tax), 43, 8, 95, 5–6, 8, 94
taxation: and administration of
countryside in late eighteenth
century, 4; and causes of
discontent, 8; exemption of nobility
from, xvi–xviii, 84–5; and grievance
books of nobility, 4; indirect
versus direct, 95, 65; inequality
of, 95–00, 30–, 5; and King’s