revolutionary, 66–9; and grievance
books of nobility, 3, 44; as
protection against abuse of political
power, 45. See also literacy
elections, of town ofcials, 53–4
elites, fragmentation of in
prerevolutionary period, xxv.
See also aristocracy; intellectuals;
Engels, Friedrich, xiv
England: abolishment of feudal system
in seventeenth century, 5; and
characteristics of aristocracy, 80–,
94; and civil war, 6–; and feudal
dues, 36–; distribution of wealth
in, 56; and increase in wealth
of nobility, 8; and irreligious
philosophy, 40; and judicial laws,
53–6; land ownership by peasants
in, 33, 35; medieval political
institutions in, 3; relationship
between middle classes and
aristocracy in, 86; and role of
intellectuals in politics, 33; and view
of French Revolution, ; Voltaire’s
letters on, 43
envy, and Tocqueville’s use of term
“hatred,” xviiin
equality: and despotism, 6; and
emergence of French Revolution
from Ancien Régime, 8–3, 84.
See also freedom; liberty
Europe, and systems of law in Middle
Ages, –5, 9–9. See also England;
France; Germany
évocation, and administrative justice, 56,
5, 58
factories, growth of in Paris during
eighteenth century, 4–5
famine, and poverty relief efforts, 6
ferries, and feudal dues, 64
feudalism: abolishment of in
seventeenth-century England,
5; and feudal dues owned by
priests, 0–0; and feudal dues
still in existence at time of French
Revolution, 35–8, 59–68; and
socialism, 6; and status of in
eighteenth-century France, 3–8;
and vassals, 8–3. See also serfdom
ef, 69
shing, and feudal dues, 66, 68
Forbonnais, François Véron de, 95
France: and feudal prerogatives in
eighteenth century, 3–8; medieval
political institutions in, 3; unique
character of history of, 84–5; views
of on eve of Revolution, –3.
See also Ancien Régime; French
franc-ef, 9–8, 3
Franche-Comté (province), 8
Franklin, Benjamin, xxv
Frederick the Great, , 3, 5, 48–9,
00n5, 0–5, 5
Frederick William I, 00n5
Frederick William II, 04
freedom: and emergence of French
Revolution from Ancien Régime,
8–3; and grievance books of
nobility, 35–; and relationship
between despotism and acquisition
of wealth, 6. See also equality; liberty
freehold, 69
free vote, 4
Fréminville, Edme de, 8, 60
French Revolution: administrative
revolution preceding political
revolution of, 0–8; and American
Revolution, 33–4; compared
to religious revolutions, 9–;
emergence of from Ancien Régime,
9–85; essential achievement of,
6–; feudal dues still in existence
at time of, 59–68; inuence of
irreligion on, 36–4; and kind
of liberty under Ancien Régime,
0–; and poverty relief efforts,
60–5; prosperity during reign of
Louis XVI and onset of, 5
and reinvigoration of principles