of these assemblies, as an example of how such meetings were generally
conducted. It is a notarized document:
Today, at the conclusion of the parish mass, in the usual and custom-
ary place, after the ringing of the bell, there appeared in the assembly
convened by the residents of said parish, in the presence of X, notary
of Corbeil, undersigned, and the witnesses named hereafter, Sieur
Michaud, vintner, syndic of said parish, who had the intendant’s
order read to the assembly and commanded that its instructions be
complied with.
At this point a resident of said parish appeared, who stated that the
steeple was erected above the choir and therefore the responsibility
of the priest. Several others also appeared [and the names of several
other individuals prepared to grant the priest’s request were duly
noted].… Then fteen peasants, laborers, masons, and vintners came
forward in support of what the previous witnesses had said. Sieur
Rambaud, vintner, also appeared, and said that he was entirely pre-
pared to accept whatever His Excellency the intendant decided. Sieur
X, doctor of the Sorbonne and priest, also appeared and maintained
what he had previously stated and requested in his petition. Of which,
as of all the foregoing, those in attendance took note. Done and heard
at Ivry, opposite the cemetery of said parish, in the presence of the
undersigned, who was engaged in the drafting of the present docu-
ment from in the morning until 2 in the afternoon.
We see that this parish assembly was nothing but an administrative
inquiry but with the formalities and costs of a judicial inquiry. It never
resulted in a vote and thus in an expression of the will of the parish. It
included only individual opinions and in no way constrained the will of the
government. Indeed, we know from many other documents that the parish
assembly was intended to inform the intendant’s decision, not to block it,
even though the issue involved only the interests of the parish itself.
The same documents tell us that this affair resulted in three separate
inquiries: one before the notary, another before the architect, and a third
before two notaries in order to determine whether or not the residents
stood by their previous statements.
The tax of 524 livres 0 sous imposed by the decree of July 23, 4,
was to be borne by all property owners, privileged and nonprivileged
alike, as was almost always the case in expenditures of this sort, but the
basis used to determine the share of each group was different. Those
subject to the taille were taxed in proportion to their taille, while the