510 Chapter 15 Basics of Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases
also lead to problems with understanding the meaning of the attributes and with
JOIN operations at the logical level.
Another problem with NULLs is how
to account for them when aggregate operations such as
COUNT or SUM are applied.
SELECT and JOIN operations involve comparisons; if NULL values are present, the
results may become unpredictable.
Moreover, NULLs can have multiple interpreta-
tions, such as the following:
The attribute does not apply to this tuple. For example, Visa_status may not
apply to U.S. students.
The attribute value for this tuple is unknown. For example, the Date_of_birth
may be unknown for an employee.
The value is known but absent; that is, it has not been recorded yet. For exam-
ple, the
Home_Phone_Number for an employee may exist, but may not be
available and recorded yet.
Having the same representation for all
NULLs compromises the different meanings
they may have. Therefore, we may state another guideline.
Guideline 3
As far as possible, avoid placing attributes in a base relation whose values may fre-
quently be
NULL.IfNULLs are unavoidable, make sure that they apply in exceptional
cases only and do not apply to a majority of tuples in the relation.
Using space efficiently and avoiding joins with
NULL values are the two overriding
criteria that determine whether to include the columns that may have
NULLs in a
relation or to have a separate relation for those columns (with the appropriate key
columns). For example, if only 15 percent of employees have individual offices,
there is little justification for including an attribute
Office_number in the EMPLOYEE
relation; rather, a relation EMP_OFFICES(Essn, Office_number) can be created to
include tuples for only the employees with individual offices.
15.1.4 Generation of Spurious Tuples
Consider the two relation schemas EMP_LOCS and EMP_PROJ1 in Figure 15.5(a),
which can be used instead of the single
EMP_PROJ relation in Figure 15.3(b). A
tuple in
EMP_LOCS means that the employee whose name is Ename works on some
project whose location is
Plocation. A tuple in EMP_PROJ1 refers to the fact that the
employee whose Social Security number is
Ssn works Hours per week on the project
whose name, number, and location are
Pname, Pnumber, and Plocation. Figure
15.5(b) shows relation states of
EMP_LOCS and EMP_PROJ1 corresponding to the
This is because inner and outer joins produce different results when NULLs are involved in joins. The
users must thus be aware of the different meanings of the various types of joins. Although this is rea-
sonable for sophisticated users, it may be difficult for others.
In Section 5.5.1 we presented comparisons involving NULL values where the outcome (in three-valued
logic) are TRUE, FALSE, and UNKNOWN.