Part III Case Studies 111
13 Ultraviolet photoelectron spectrum of CO 113
13.1 Electronic structures of CO and CO
13.2 First photoelectron band system 115
13.3 Second photoelectron band system 115
13.4 Third photoelectron band system 116
13.5 Adiabatic and vertical ionization energies 116
13.6 Intensities of photoelectron band systems 117
13.7 Determining bond lengths from Franck–Condon factor calculations 118
References 119
14 Photoelectron spectra of CO
, OCS, and CS
in a molecular beam 120
14.1 First photoelectron band system 123
14.2 Second photoelectron band system 125
14.3 Third and fourth photoelectron band systems 126
14.4 Electronic structures: constructing an MO diagram from
photoelectron spectra 126
References 128
15 Photoelectron spectrum of NO
15.1 The experiment 129
15.2 Vibrational structure 130
15.3 Vibrational constants 132
15.4 Structure determination 132
15.5 Electron affinity and thermodynamic parameters 134
15.6 Electronic structure 134
References 137
16 Laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy of C
:rotational structure
in the 300 nm system 138
16.1 Electronic structure and selection rules 138
16.2 Assignment and analysis of the rotational structure 141
16.3 Band head formation 143
References 143
17 Photoionization spectrum of diphenylamine: an unusual illustration
of the Franck–Condon principle 144
References 149
18 Vibrational structure in the electronic spectrum of 1,4-benzodioxan:
assignment of low frequency modes 150
18.1 Ab initio calculations 152
18.2 Assigning the spectra 152
References 156