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select bibliography
van Ravesteijn, Pieter Gielis. “Journal, May 1615 to Feb. 1616.” In Heert Terpstra, De
opkomst der Westerkwartieren van de Oost – Indische Compagnie (Suratte, Arabi
e), 174–203. The Hague, 1918.
Samani, Muhammad Ali. Siyar al-Muhammadi [composed 1427]. Edited by S. N.
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Sardesai, G. S., ed. Selections from the Peshwa Daftar.Vol. 6: Ramraja’s Struggle for
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Shirazi, Rafi al-Din. Tadhkirat al-muluk (completed 1608). Extracts translated by
J. S. King, “History of the Bahmani Dynasty.” Indian Antiquary 28 (June 1899):
153–55, 182, 191–92, 218–19, 242–47.
Tabataba, Ali. Burhan-i ma athir (completed 1591). Delhi, 1936. Extracts translated
by J. S. King, “History of the Bahmani Dynasty.” Indian Antiquary vol. 28
(1899): 119–38, 141–53, 180–81, 182–91, 209–17, 235–42, 277–92, 305–23.
Extracts translated by T. W. Haig, “The History of the Nizam Shahi Kings of
Ahmadnagar,” Indian Antiquary vol. 49 (1920): 67–75, 84–91, 102–08, 123–
28, 157–67, 177–88, 197–204, 217–24; vol. 50 (1921): 1–8, 25–31, 73–80,
101–06, 141–46, 193–98, 205–10, 229–34, 261–68, 277–83, 321–28; vol. 51
(1922): 29–36, 66–73, 125–31, 198–203, 235–42; vol. 52 (1923): 29–39, 159–
62, 250–62, 287–300, 331–46.
Wagoner, Phillip B. Tidings of the King: a Translation and Ethnohistorical Analysis of the
Rayavacakamu. Honolulu, 1993.
Wright, H. Nelson. The Coinage and Metrology of the Sultans of Delhi.Delhi, 1936.
Secondary sources
Alam, S. M. “The Historic Deccan – a Geographical Appraisal.” In Aspects of Deccan
History, edited by V. K. Bawa, 16–31. Hyderabad, 1975.
Chandra, Satish. “Social Background to the Rise of the Maratha Movement during
the 17th Century in India.” Indian Economic and Social History Review 10, no. 3
(September 1973): 209–17.
Chowdhuri, Jogindra Nath. Malik Ambar: a Biography Based on Original Sources.
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Dallapiccola, Anna L., ed. Vijayanagara – City and Empire: New Currents of Research.
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Deshpande, Prachi. “Caste as Maratha: Social Categories, Colonial Policy, and Identity
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Digby, Simon. “The Sufi Shaykh and the Sultan: a Conflict of Claims to Authority in
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