they will satisfy you as to how... our Saviour was conceived in the
Virgin's womb, and will demonstrate, in the consecrated wafer, how
accidents may subsist without a subject... how one body can be in
several places at the same time, and how Christ's body in heaven
differs from His body on the cross or in the sacrament. `061422
Think also of the nonsense purveyed as miracles and prodigies-
apparitions, curative shrines, evocations of Satan, and "such like
bugbears of superstition."
These absurdities... are a good trade, and procure a comfortable
income to such priests and friars as by this craft get their
gain.... What shall I say of such as cry up and maintain the cheat
of pardons and indulgences?- that by these compute the time of each
soul's residence in purgatory, and assign them a longer or shorter
continuance according as they purchase more or fewer of these paltry
pardons and saleable exemptions? Or what can be said bad enough of
others who pretend that by the force of such magical charms, or by the
fumbling over their beads in the rehearsal of such and such
petitions (which some religious impostors invented, either for
diversion, or, what is more likely, for advantage), they shall procure
riches, honors, pleasure, long life, and lusty old age, nay, after
death, a seat at the right hand of the Saviour? `061423
The satire runs on at the expense of monks, friars, inquisitors,
cardinals, popes. Monks pester the people with begging, and think to
take heaven by a siege of soporific psalmodies. The secular clergy
hunger and thirst after money; "they are most subtle in the craft of
getting... tithes, offerings, perquisites, etc." `061424 All ranks and
varieties of the clergy agree in putting witches to death. The popes
have lost any resemblance to the Apostles in "their riches, honors,
jurisdictions, offices, dispensations, licenses, indulgences...
ceremonies and tithes, excommunications and interdicts," their lust
for legacies, their worldly diplomacy and bloody wars. `061425 How
could such a Church survive except through the folly, the gullible
simplicity of mankind? `061426
The Praise of Folly stirred the theologians to an understandable