Cover Illustration:
An army on the move, from The Three Kings’ Sons, an English
Romance, c.1480 (British Library, Harley MS 326, f. 90, reproduced
by permission of the British Library). The editor acknowledges with
gratitude the help of Pamela Porter of the Department of Manuscripts,
British Library, in the selection of the cover illustration.
Figure 1
The Welch Man’s Inventory (1641–42), British Library Vol:
tract 31, 1641 (reproduced by permission of the British Library 169
Figure 2
Montgomery town and castle as they may have looked in 1644,
from John Speed’s Theatre of Great Britain, first published in
1611–12 182
Figure 3
A possible reconstruction of the Battle of Montgomery,
18 September 1644 (plan drawn by Peter Gaunt) 186