25 Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles, ed. Gairdner, p. 77; The Politics of Fifteenth-
Century England: John Vale’s Book, eds M.L. Kekewich, C. Richmond, A.F. Sutton, L.
Visser-Fuchs and J. Watts (Stroud, 1995), p. 179. In this last account an engagement
immediately prior to Towton is also characterised as ‘battell at Feribrigge’.
26 William Worcestre, Itineraries, ed. J. H. Harvey (Oxford, 1969), p. 399.
27 Ibid., p. 344.
28 Rotuli Parliamentorum, vol. 6, 144b.
29 B. Cox, The Place-Names of Rutland (1994), pp. 140–41.
30 Chroniques de Jean Froissart, ed. S. Luce (Paris, 1873), vol. 4, p. 94; I. Friel,
‘Winds of Change? Ships and the Hundred Years War’, in Arms, Armies and Fortifica-
tions in the Hundred Years War, eds A. Curry and M. Hughes (Woodbridge, 1994),
p. 187; K. Fowler, The King’s Lieutenant: Henry of Grosmont, First Duke of Lancaster,
1310–1361 (1969), pp. 93–95 and the references cited there.
31 G.W.S. Barrow, Robert Bruce and the Community of the Realm of Scotland (3rd
edn, Edinburgh, 1988), pp. 215–16.
32 W. Bower, Scotichronicon, ed. D.E.R. Watt, vol. 6 (Aberdeen, 1991), p. 368;
Chronicles of the Reigns of Edward I and Edward II, ed. W. Stubbs, Rolls Series, vol. 1
(1882), pp. 231, 276; BL, Cotton MS Faustina B vi, f. 79v.
33 Vita Edwardi Secundi, ed. N. Denholm-Young (1957), pp. 50–56.
34 Firenze, Archivio di Stato di Firenze a Prato, 664/509944; 664/308929. I owe
these references and the English translation of the Italian text to the kindness of
Helen Bradley.
35 The Politics of Fifteenth-Century England, ed. Kekewich et al., p. 160.
36 P. Contamine, War in the Middle Ages (1984), p. 261.
37 Two of the Saxon Chronicles Parallel, ed. J. Earle (Oxford, 1865), pp. 200–2.
38 C. Richmond, ‘The War at Sea’, in The Hundred Years War, ed. K. Fowler
(1971), pp. 96–121.
39 G.H. Martin, Knighton’s Chronicle, 1337–96 (Oxford, 1995), p. 28.
40 The Libelle of Englyshe Polycye, ed. G.F. Warner (Oxford, 1926), line 1005.
41 Westminster Chronicle, 1381–1394, eds L.C. Hector and B.F. Harvey (1982),
pp. 182–83; The Paston Letters and Papers of the Fifteenth Century, ed. N. Davis (Oxford,
1971–76), vol. 2, pp. 340–41; C. Richmond, ‘The Earl of Warwick’s Domination of
the Channel and the Naval Dimension to the Wars of the Roses, 1456–1460’, Southern
History, vols. 20–21 (1998–99), p. 7.
42 London, Westminster Abbey, WAM 12183 f. 50.
43 Duo rerum Anglicarum scriptores veteres viz Thomas Otterbourne et Johannes
Whethamstede, ed. T. Hearne, (Oxford, 1732), p. 134; Istoire et Croniques de Flandres, ed.
K. de Lettenhove, vol. 1, Brussels (1879), p. 617; Walteri Hemingford Canonici de
Gisseburne Historia de Rebus Gestis Edwardi I, Edwardi II rt Edwardi III, ed. T. Hearne,
2 vols (Oxford, 1731), vol. 2, p. 320; Chronica monasterii de Melsa, ed. E.A. Bond, Rolls
Series, vol. 2 (1866), p. 45.
44 I owe the suggestion to Christopher Lewis.
45 P. J. Foss, The Field of Redemore: The Battle of Bosworth, 1485 (Leeds, 1990),
pp. 16–24.
46 Ibid., p. 19.
47 Charles Ross, Richard III (1981), pp. 235–37; C. Richmond, ‘The Battle of
Bosworth’, History Today, vol. 35 (August 1985).
50 War and Society