but there is sufficient stability in plant chemistry for the biogeochemical method to be
a robust approach to mineral exploration provided consistency in collection, prep-
aration and analysis of tissues is maintained. An awareness of the factors that can
modify element uptake needs to be constantly maintained, and there should be a
general appreciation of the complexities of the natural environment. Consequently,
brief notes on field conditions should be made and, if possible, broadly quantified in
order to assist in data interpretation. Quantification of field parameters need only be
a simple broad categorization. For example, aspect can be recorded as ‘south facing’
and degree of slope can be simply recorded as steep, moderate, gentle or flat. Thus a
field notation of 1S would indicate a gentle south-facing slope, whereas 3N would
denote a steep north-facing slope. By recording parameters in this manner they can
be related to chemical factors (by simple observation or statistically) during inter-
pretation of the subsequent elemental data.
Skinner and Jahren (2005) gives a comprehensive overview of biomineralization
in plants and animals, eloquently describing those phases related primarily to sul-
phur, iron, silica, phosphorus and carbonates. It has long been established that
inorganic phases, such as silica phytoliths, develop on plant surfaces, giving grasses
and horsetails (Equisetum) their roughness. Figure 2-1 shows examples of some forms
of phytolith associated with the cultivar ‘Einkorn wheat’, from the Gramineae
Family, and provides clear evidence of why cereal s and grasses can be harsh to the
The scanning electron microscope (SEM) is required for detailed observation of
plants for crystalline and other metal phases, because they are rarely more than
100 mm in size. Figure 2-2 shows the development of a manganese phosphate phase,
about 100 mm 10 mm, which developed within the inner trunk wood of the conif-
erous tree ‘mountain hemlock’ (Tsuga mertensiana) from Mt. Washington on Van-
couver Island. This phase appears to be non-crystalline, and is wedged between the
longitudinal fibres.
There are more than 100 families of tropical plants that contain silica and 215
families that contain calcium oxalates (Skinner and Jahren, 2005). The most fre-
quently occurring mineral phases observed in plant structures are crystals of calcium
oxalate (CaC
). They are commonly most concentrated in the bark (Fig. 2-3a, 3b),
although they occur, too, within twigs and foliage (Fig. 2-3c, 3d). Whereas Ca oxa-
late is a simple mixture of Ca, O and C, it is not absolutely pure. Pharmaceutical
analyses indicate that it typically has 0.5% Ba and 0.4% ‘Poorly soluble residues’.
These poorly soluble residues are likely to be primarily Si, Al, Fe, K, Mg and Na (all
of which can form independent oxalates), but in addition minor and trace elements
may be located within the crystal lattices of Ca oxalates in plants. Those reported
Plant Function, Chemistry and Mineralogy