valuable studies to the biogeochemical literature. Subsequently, a revised and ex-
tended second edition was published with further elucidation of the Russian terms
provided by Robert Brooks (Kovalevsky, 1987). As noted in the Foreword by
A.B. Kazhdan, ‘this second edition is a greatly expanded version of the first
y [with] y discussion of principles governing the formation of biogeochemical
haloes for Cu, Hg, Mo, Pb and Zn, and y the biogeochemistry of 45 other indicator
elements’. Although many of the species listed are restricted to Siberia, there are very
useful analogies to similar species typical of the boreal forests and the cool dry areas
of the world. The 1987 edition is well worth browsing through, because it gives insight
as to the plant genera and species that might be worth considering for biogeochemical
exploration elsewhere. It should not be treated as a ‘cook-book’, but more of a guide,
because some broad generalizations are made, and it seems that results from the
Russian environment are not always paralleled by those from other parts of the
world. For example, a table indicates that the vast majority of plants have a very
low propensity to absorb U. This is partly true, but in certain U-rich environments,
such as around the uraniferous Athabasca Sandstone of northern Saskatchewan,
there are many plant species that can accumulate U (Dunn, 1981, 1983). Furthermore,
Kovalevsky’s 1987 text is 20-years old and significant advances have been made in the
interim – not least of which is the introduction of inductively coupled plasma mass
spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis of dry tissues.
Kovalevsky wrote a third book that is as yet only available in Russian, therefore
its impact on the science is hard to evaluate for the non-Russian-speaking populace
(]NO!EOXNMNR PACTEHN[ – meaning ‘The Biogeochemistry of Plants’,
Kovalevsky, 1991). Some information contained in this book appeared in English in
book chapters (Brooks et al., 1995) and journal publications (Kovalevsky and
Kovalevskaya, 1989; Kovalevsky, 2001, shortly before his death).
During the 1980s, a resurgence of interest in biogeochemical methods of explo-
ration took place in North America, and especially in the south-western United
States. A conference held in Los Angeles in 1984 provided a useful ‘state-of-the-art’
summary of the science, bringing together expertise from a diversity of disciplines
(Carlisle et al., 1986). In the United States, big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata)
became a common sample medium to assist in the exploration for uranium and
gold in the arid terrain of the southwest (Erdman and Harrach, 1981; Gough
and Erdman, 1980; Erdman et al., 1985; Erdman and Olson, 1985). The work by
S. Clark Smith and J.A. Erdman contributed significantly to the biogeochemical
database. In Canada, the preferred sample media were recognized as black spruce
(Picea mariana), balsam fir (Abies balsamea), alder (Alnus spp.), Douglas-fir
(Pseudotsuga menziesii), western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), and lodgepole
pine (Pinus contorta), among others (Dunn, 1981; Cohen et al., 1987; Dunn, 1989,
There has been a tendency for significant advances in analytical instrumentation
to coincide with advances in biogeochemical exploration. In the mid-1970s, ICP-ES
and instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) were developed to provide