Books / Articles
L-systems, Grammar Models, and Computational Modeling
Bossomaier, Terry, and Green, David. Patterns in the Sand - Computers, Complexity
and Life. Reading, MA: Perseus Books, 1998.
Chomsky, Noam. “Three Models for the Description of Language.” IRE Transactions
on Information Theory 2. Washington, DC: IEEE (formerly IRE), 1956.
Lindenmayer, Aristid. “Mathematical models for cellular interactions in development”
(Two Parts). Journal of Theoretical Biology 18. New York: Elsevier, 1968.
Mandelbrot, B.B. The fractal geometry of nature. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1982.
Minsky, Marvin, and Papert, Seymour. Perceptrons; an introduction to computational
geometry. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1969.
Prusinkiewicz, Przemyslaw. “Virtual plants: new perspectives for computer graphics.”
The ScienceTerrapin 4:8. London, Ontario: UWO Press, 1979.
Prusinkiewicz, Przemyslaw. “Score Generation with L-systems.” Proceedings of the
International Computer Music Conference, 1986. Den Haag: ICMA, 1986.
Prusinkiewicz, Przemyslaw, and Lindenmayer, Aristid. The Algorithmic Beauty of
Plants. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1990.
Prusinkiewicz, Przemyslaw, Hammel, Mark, Hanan, Jim, and Mech, Radomír. “L-
systems: From The Theory To Visual Models Of Plants.” Proceedings of the Second
CSIRO Symposium on Computational Challenges in Life Sciences. Brisbane, CSIRO
Publishing, 1996.
Sierpinski, Waclaw. “The Sierpinski Triangle” (1916). Excerpted in Devaney, Keen,
eds. Chaos and fractals : the mathematics behind the computer graphics. Providence, RI:
American Mathematical Society, 1989.
Szilard, A. L., and Quinton, R. E. “An interpretation for DOL systems by computer
graphics.” The ScienceTerrapin 4:8. London, Ontario: UWO Press, 1979.
Taylor, C. E. “Fleshing Out.” In Langton, Taylor, et al, eds. Artificial Life II.
Redwood City, CA: Addison-Wesley, 1992.