290 J.M.V. Misker and J. van der Ster
content. We propose that not only artistic use of mixed reality systems can benefit
from this approach, but that any system that has to be immersive, e.g. mixed reality
training games, can benefit, because it will be easier to focus on the user aspects in
an earlier stage of development.
We recommend that, when a mixed reality system is created, at a bare minimum,
content designers should be able to work using their preferred tools, e.g. Blender3D
or Max/MSP.
In future work we will further expand the VGE platform, focusing on the author-
ing aspects; we are currently investigating the merits of making the authoring
environment an integrated part of the mixed reality environment.
Acknowledgments This research is part of the MultimediaN
project, a Dutch research pro-
gramme in which partners from science, business and art collaborate on researching multimodal
interaction. Parts of t he artistic research were supported by the Mondriaan Foundation in the scope
of the “Better than Reality” project. We thank our colleagues in the V2_Lab, especially Artm
Baguinski, Stock, Andres Navarro and Chiel Vaessen, for their collaboration and hard work on the
VGE platform, Michel van Dartel and Anne Nigten gave us very useful feedback throughout the
project. Furthermore, we extend our deepest gratitude to all artists who collaborated with us on
this exciting topic over the past years: Marnix de Nijs, Jonas Hielscher and Boris Debackere; they
provided invaluable insights.
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